The Perfection of Speed

Emperor Xan's picture
Just SurvivingThe Perfection of SpeedCopyright © 2000 by Emperor Xan (Zhextyl)

Department of HumanitiesPsychology/Sociology Section

For: Chief EngineerSubject: The Cavalry Platoon

In this letter, I shall address the swiftness and lethal power of the mounted soldiers. There are few units that exist that can incite terror into their opponents than that of the cavalry. From the backs of their mounts, they can charge, harry and even dismount to decimate the flanks and rear of an opposing force. Sometimes, it is even possible to view a cavalry charge directly into the face of an opposing unit. The power of the cavalry is not just in dividing the unit through destroying the flank, but also in the terror they cause due to their speed and maneuverability. The cavalry has one flaw to it; however, they cannot stand up to melee combat on the backs of their mounts and hope to win.

Before I get too far ahead of myself, I would like to note that cavalry units use the following terms to describe their sizes (smallest to largest): squad, platoon, troupe (company), regiment (battalion).

When it comes to formations, cavalry use the same as the infantrymen, but rely less on squares and columns (unless travelling). They prefer wedges and large fronts for massive frontal attacks. Instead of rushing head on, the cavalry prefers to attack in waves to keep from running into their own. When they do use columnar attacks, it is to split the opposing force in two while infantry and/or light cavalry units rush in on the flanks of the now divided force and the initial charging unit is behind them. What lays ahead of them, if anything is uncertain, it may be possible that artillerists are moving in to lay waste to the center of their formation while the outside is chipped away at by the other forces.

It is best for the cavalry to be employed against archers and artillery. They also make quick work of skirmishers and other light units similar in nature. The cavalry relies on its speed as its primary weapon. It is this psychological attack of a mounted troop rushing forward on a large mount that strikes a soldier before the physical blow ever does. On Acheron, it is hard to keep such units in good shape due to the plane's unforgiving nature and lack of good rations for mounts. However, for some strange reason, they are here and in greater numbers than what one would expect to find. To see truly devastating effects in battle, arm the cavalrymen with bludgeoning weaponry such as the mace and warhammer.

Light cavalry is similar in use as the light infantry. They are designed to swiftly engage a unit and then peel back while their opponents are left confused as to how to engage this quick opponent. Light cavalry use light armors and weaponry as do the light infantry. Some of the light cavalry units used on the field of battle have been trained in archery. These light cavalry units are designed to approach within bowshot of their enemy, encircle them (if possible) and rain missile fire down upon them to cut their numbers while the foot soldiers and heavy cavalry units come up from the rear. The effects are devastating. Because of their speed, light cavalry units also make great scouts due to their ability to range farther out in lesser amounts of time than infantry scouts.

Heavy cavalry forces are one of the most opposing forces on the field. Imagine a regiment of mounted soldiers who, like their mounts, are encased in steel. Their main function as a military weapon is to smash headlong into their foes to create holes in their formations and divide them. The initial shock generated by a heavy cavalry unit is an awesome sight to behold. It is like watching a knife slice through tender flesh. Infantry units have no choice but to get out of the way or be trampled, skewered or chopped down by the speeding mass overtaking them. Heavy cavalry requires large mounts to support the weight of their barding as well as that of their rider and all of the soldier's heavy weaponry. Heavy cavalry use medium sized shields at best and employ weapons that no heavy infantryman would bother with.

The Dragoon is an interesting character. This soldier will ride on any mount given, but prefers the swiftest available. Their mission is to ride quickly into enemy territory, dismount, and then overwhelm their opponents from the rear. The dragoon is trained to fight on horseback, but is better trained in foot soldier tactics. They prefer to wear light armors as it allows them to quickly mount and dismount. Dragoon units vary widely in nature from their weaponry and their tactics due to their dual nature. Because of this, the various armies train their dragoon regiment platoons in these various ways and use them for specific missions if the need arises. Below is a listing of the ways they are normally trained:

Light Infantry-heavy tacticsSkirmisher-heavy tacticsLight Calvary-heavy tactics

My next letter shall sketch out the third branch of combat arms for Acheronian Armies: heavy/ special weaponry.

Calix Arvandus, Shaper 2.

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