The Oubliette

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Just SurvivingThe Oubliette[Case – Curst]Copyright © 2000 byTorsten Bernhardt

The Oubliette is the sort of inn one might expect in Curst, with bars on the windows, spikes on the roof, and many locks on the doors. The disturbing thing is that all of these security precautions seem to be intent on keeping patrons in the place rather than keeping the unwanted out. Doors to the guest rooms only lock on the outer side. Spikes on the roof all point towards the windows that would provide access to the roof if the bars could be removed.

Run by a taciturn gautiere named diCerasse (Pl/Female gautiere/HD 4+3/Fated/NE), The Oubliette does provide fine service for the rates charged, and any problems are dealt with quickly by diCerasse or her human and tiefling staff. The only problem that visitors might have would be the disappearance of small amounts of money and minor possessions, something that can be attributed to diCerasse's factionhood. If guests complain about their missing items, diCerasse will blame one of the staff and fire him for effect, only to hire him right back as soon as the guests have left. If staff steal for themselves and are caught, diCerasse uses her acid-generating ability to kill the transgressor; she has little patience for others stealing if she's not in for a cut.

In the kitchen is a pet vorr that everyone refers to as "The Vaath", which is its name rather than species. This helps to keep snoopy patrons from poking around at night, if they can make it out of their rooms. The actual ingredients used in meal preparation mean that anyone would most likely regret entering the kitchen anyway, even if it all tastes quite good once done. The bub served here has more of a kick than anyone would have a right to expect, and diCerasse uses this as a common excuse to explain "misplaced" items.

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