The Laugh

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Maks Herbal Sundries Located in the fringes of the Bazaar, Maks Herbal Sundries is contained in an burlap tent with wooden walls on two sides, the front is filled with a table displaying wares, and the fourth side is burlap that is usually pulled shut- that is unless a basher is perusing Maks "special" merchandise.

A little peery of new customers, Maks (Pl/Hg/T3/Sn/N,hp:10,AC:Cool will sell "rare" herbal concoctions to his regular customers. Maks seems to have an extensive network that he uses to purchase his wares and pick up chant about the various thieves' organizations that ring the bazaar. With Maks extensive resources, he can usually find specific orders within a few days to a week- for a bit of extra garnish of course...

Rarity of HerbChance in StockCost
Common90%1-4 jinx/lb.
Uncommon60%4-8 jinx/lb.
Rare20%10-20 jinx/oz.
Very rare5%50-200 jinx/oz.

Ygura's Rare Potions

A modest hut about 12x12 feet in size houses Ygura's Rare Potions, an open door and large windows give ample light to see in the cramped shop. Wares hang from the ceiling and crowd the many shelves lining the walls. Ygura (pl/gzG/m2/bl/cg hp:6 ac:10) can be found in a chair in the corner, near a small coal stove, ready to help a potential customer.

A good cutter who will try his best to help a sod out, Ygura's is the best place to look for various healing potions and balms- although he will stock some more "common" potions. Inventory changes on a daily basis.

Potion Chance in Stock Cost Healing 80% 5-10 jinx/dose "Common" 50% 20-30 jinx/dose Rare "Common" 20% 50-100 jinx/dose

Rare Tomes and Magicks

A body can spot this shop from the street from a rather large book actually nailed up over the door, the cover proclaims the name of the case. Once trough the door it will be clear to even the most leatherheaded berk that this building was once a tavern, but now the tables are stacked high with books and scroll cases. Behind the bar, and the stacks of books, paper and other assorted wares, a cutter can usually spy at least one of the two proprietors of Rare Tomes and Magicks.

Lucian Osricson (pl/gzG/m-en6/xa/cn) hp: 15 ac: 6 Dima Osricson (pl/hE/m7/fl/n) hp: 16 ac: 8 Husband and Wife co-proprietors, a bit on the pricey side, but they stock some of the rarer spells and tomes- chances are they will have what you are looking for -but it will cost you.

Item Chance in Stock Coat General Tome 80% 2-8 jinx Specific Tome 40% 10-20 jinx Common Spell 60% 80-100 jinx/spell lv. Rare Spell 30% 120-180 jinx/lv.

The Metal Shope

A large open pavilion marks where you will find The Metal Shope. An unusually jolly earth genasi by the name of Cerdic runs the place, and you can usually find him here, sometimes he takes a break to cool his heels down at 'the laugh, at these rare times one of Cerdic's able assistants can show a cutter a good deal. The majority of items from the 'Shope are basic weapons made of various planar metals, along with a fine assortment of jewelry and accessories from many of the same metals. Cerdic's contacts in the Forge and Armory even allow him to get hold of special orders, of course it will cost you for his trouble.

Cerdic (pl/e-genG/f6/dg/ln) hp: 48 ac: 4

Cerdic is an Earth Genasi born right near the border to dust. He's more jolly than a cutter has come to expect from an earth king, but most think its from his acceptance that things wont go on forever... Its his theory that most earth genasi are so dour because the weight of eternity weighs heavy on their shoulders. Whereas his prices are a bit hard to swallow sometimes, he's an honest blood and a cutter gets what she pays for.

Rarity of metal Chance in Stock Common 90% Uncommon 60% Rare 20% Very Rare 5% Very Very Rare 1% *Standard going prices as per metal

The Laugh

The Laugh is a good place for a cutter to cool her heels after a day in the bazaar. It is also a good place to pick up the chant on new and strange Magicks, hence a good third of 'the laughs regular patrons are bloods with an interest in the arcane arts. You see 'the laugh has been run for the last 48 years (as much as it's kind run anything) by a green slaad by the name of Byrtwold.

Byrtwold (pl/slaad --/hd9+5 + m12/--/cn) hp: 84 ac: 0

The funny thing about Byrtwold is that he (as he calls himself) remembers being a human- and that is exactly how he came upon this tavern. The tavern was originally a mages tower belonging to, you guessed it, a planewalking wizard named Byrtwold. We all know how sladdi reproduce, and it seems that Byrtwold the mage found himself injected with a sladdi egg pellet somewhere on his travels. At the last minute ol' Byrtwold gave death the laugh by casting reincarnation on himself, thus adding his life force to the new baby green slaad erupting from his chest. Now this don't mean that he purged the chaos of limbo from the newborn, he just recreated himself as a slaad. 'Bout 50 years later the "new and improved" Byrtwold shambles back to the cage to reclaim his tower; by this time though old Byrtwold was long forgotten and the tower sold several times. Byrtwold however produced the original deed to the case and "convinced" the Takers to evict the current residence and hand the building over. It just ain't worth arguing with a slaad, not if you don't like your face chewed off. Another peculiar thing about Byrtwold is that he also remembers how to sling spells mortal style. As you might expect Byrtwold is well on his way to becoming a grey slaad- his dark green power symbol is testament to that. All told Byrtwold is a great resource for strange and new spells and magic items, which he will sell, trade, or even just give to anyone who has nerve enough to sit at a table with him. Byrtwold believes in the chaos of the individual more than the chaos of actions, i.e. the uniqueness of character. A fact that the Free League hasn't overlooked.

Item Chance in Stock Coat General Tome 30% 2-8 jinx or service Specific Tome 60% 10-20 jinx or service Common Spell 40% 80-100 jinx/spell lv. or Service Rare Spell 70% 120-180 jinx/lv. or Service Rare Item 40% Varies or service

Tamar Ratherder (pl/tiefE/f3-wm2/fl/n) hp: 16 ac: 8

Tamar is the hostess round 'the laugh, she'll treat you fair, but fully capable of putting any rude basher in his place, so don't get it in your brain-box that since a slaad runs the place that this you can cut up. Fact is mot cutters here like a little quiet to discuss what's on their minds.

Yatasha Karolekski (pr/hE/b2/fl/cn) hp: 9 ac: 8

A prime, with a strong appreciation of planar drinks, Yatasha was picked up off the street by Byrtwold who found her hard headedness "charming". She'll pour you a drink and tell you a tale, and for a bit of garnish she'll point out the bloods from the sods that frequent the bar.

The imps (pl/chaos imp/hd /--/cn) hp: ac: The cooks. Byrtwold brought them back to the cage after one of his trips to limbo, which is a good thing, the imps recipes (and cooking methods) keep Byrtwold plenty happy. Happy enough not to eat the patrons of 'the laugh.

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