The Division of Time

Emperor Xan's picture
Just Surviving The Division of TimeCopyright © 2000 by Emperor Xan (Zhextyl)

Department of HumanitiesPsychology/Sociology Section

For: Chief EngineerSubject:: Acheron's Calendar

The Acheronian militaries depend upon calendars to keep track of various military functions, movements, etc. Very few use a calendar other than the Acheron Standard Precision Calendar (ASP calendar for short).

The calendar is 364 days long. The year is broken up into 12 months of 30 days each with an additional 4 days remaining. The extra four days are known as Tempe de Facade or Semi Anno. Semi Anno does what it says, it divides the two halves of they year (which are equal length) with a 4-day division. Months are further divided into weeks of seven days (the number of resonance or the rule-of-threes yet incomplete once again).

What follows are the names of the days of the week.


The 12 months are divided into triads of 4 months each.

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