The Darkseekers

joyblood's picture
The LocalsThe Darkseekers[Sect]Copyright © 2000 by Heiner de Wendt

BackgroundThe Darkseekers are an elite group of adventurers, sages, explorers and others that try to uncover all the hidden truths of the multiverse. Ironically, not much about the group's history is known. It seems the founding of this group dates back to several millenia ago (chant has it the Darkseekers involuntarily gave the basic ideas for the factions themselves, though those who spread this chant could very well be barmies), and that it originally was far more centralised than it is today. One of the group's many enemies one day used their own philosophy against them: as they wanted everyone's and everything's dark to be visible to any berk and blood, it was easy to find out about their central bases. The said enemy organized a major attack on each and every one of these bases, destroying them along with all their gathered knowledge. From that day on, the Darkseekers have not been much more than a bunch of cutters all finding their own way to truth.

PhilosophyThese people actually give the impression of having mixed up the ideas of Athar, Signers, Hardheads, Guvners and Sensates. Remember, though, that the Darkseekers were there first. Their philosophy is that every dark of the multiverse has to be spilled, as they think everyone has got the right to make his or her own decisions based on truth. If someone does not know the whole truth, or even has been told lies, he can't really decide freely; he might not even know about some options he has got.

The Darkseekers usually try to find out the dark of various high-ups, including tanar'ri lords, ultroloths, factols and many others. But these cutters (or at least most of them) don't consider themselves too good for minor problems as well. If a crime, even a small one, has not been solved yet, and a Darkseeker hears about it, it's nearly sure that he will try to help solving it. He'll even give his help if no one actually wants it. Some of these darkseekers take their philosophy to the very extreme, saying that it does not matter what or why one tries to hide something; nothing should be covered in darkness, and everything, even the most personal things, may not be hidden from anyone. Those sods, though, aren't very accepted in the ranks of the Darkseekers, and are generally considered barmies who don't understand what it's all about.

The Darkseekers usually try to uncover those things that are hidden from folk to hide immoral deeds or to keep them clueless, but they generally accept privacy. One could see them as warriors of freedom; complete knowledge is necessary for complete freedom, but one has to make sure this gathering of knowledge does not destroy more freedom than it might create.

Plane of Major InterestThe Darkseekers don't really have such a thing, though they're very often seen in Gehenna and the Grey Waste, on their way to destroy some yugoloth's plans. Otherwise, the Darkseekers tend to be on all the planes equally, even including the Inner and the Prime Material planes. In fact, there's probably no other group so interested in the Prime; the Darkseekers' major interest in it doesn't lie in the worlds there, though, but in the phlogiston itself. It seems they're eager to uncover some darks about this strange substance, probably thinking it hides some of the key secrets of the multiverse.

Allies and EnemiesEveryone who tries to hide secrets is a possible enemy of the Darkseekers, and yugoloths seem to have a special hatred for them. It seems every single yugoloth knows the Darkseekers' sign, and they usually try to instantly kill every member of this group. Actually, it seems as if the Darkseekers are quite good at what they do. Many people are short-time allies of the Darkseekers, including guvners (who usually aren't too happy about the Darkseekers' attitude of telling everyone what they found out) and, especially, Athar. Both groups have a deep respect for the attitudes they share, trying to find out the secrets of reality no matter who tries to stop you. Even all the powers aren't enough to stop either Athar or Darkseekers doing what they're doing.

MembersAs this group doesn't have any official high-ups anymore, anybody can call himself a Darkseeker. That's probably the reason why these cutters haven't all been wiped out by now. Still, the majority of the members are of good alignment, and there are especially many bards in this group. If someone showing the sign of the Darkseekers (a long blade above an ancient tome, surrounded by a perfect circle) does too many deeds not fitting to the Darkseekers' general philosophy, he should expect to be visited sooner or later, though. And fleeing to Sigil doesn't help here.

AdvantagesThe Darkseekers are immune to all fear, be it magical or otherwise, and to magical alignment changes. These cutters are just far too convinced of themselves to be influenced by such little things. Furthermore, the Athar see Darkseekers nearly as "one of their own", and many high-ups are happy to get a Darkseeker to find out something for them. That is, if that high-up isn't already eager to wipe out the Darkseekers.

PenaltiesThe Darkseekers have many, many enemies. Every encounter with a yugoloth usually results in the fiend attacking the Darkseeker instantly, or starting an utterly evil plot against the Darkseeker personally. Many other people also hate these "warriors of truth", and even more want to see them vanish before they can uncover anything. Darkseekers tend to be really, really tough bashers, or die young. Or worse.

Gaidheal's picture
Joined: 2005-04-16
Great! Really nice work.

I liked this a lot, well detailed, well thought out and thoroughly workable, it's going straight into my campaign (I hope you don't mind!) when I move the PCs to the planes. If this is typical of the calibre of work you produce for the setting, you need to do more, more more! ;¬)

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