Sword of Tephen

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The LocalsSword of TephenCopyright © 2000 by Leonidas

Sword of Tephen, such a story for such a featureless bizarre bush was what I thought before I knew it was excellent to track down spell reflections. It remembers one of a bebilith’s nests made into a sword formation, but then folks in Acheron will see swords everywhere.

Chant goes that Tephen was an over zealous Mercykiller. Mystically bound to a cunning Prolonger criminal he sought for decades, he finally met him in a battlefield in Avalas. After terrible seconds of silent confrontation, his foe was able to overbear him, when he saw a vision of Lei Kung in the sky. “Master”, he said with tears in his eyes, “I beg you, please let him not perpetuate his infamy through the multiverse, take my life, but prevent him from rising again.” Through sheer luck, divine intervention, or a maddened last strike, Tephen hit the murderer with his sword in the chest, where a lightning bolt immediately hit him, reducing both to ashes.

Speaking of the plant, it truly attracts energy, so keep off during storms and battle with many spells. If you seek a particular spell reflection, they are very useful. Otherwise, there are more metallic, poisonous plants of the Lower Planes, like all the others.

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