Spire Snail

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The LocalsSpire SnailCopyright © 2000 by Torsten Bernhardt

Foot-long gastropods found on the Spire, the spire snails are only found crawling upwards, and if turned around will turn themselves to continue up the Spire. Young can be found at the base of the Spire, but where they come from is a mystery; perhaps the adults drop eggs off the Spire, but no one knows. Their shells are long cones, and every cycle adds another twist to the shell, allowing naturalists to measure the age of the snails. To date, the oldest snail found was over a thousand cycles old, born four centuries before the Great Upheaval in Sigil.

Peng Mei-Su (planar/female human/paramander 7/Cipher/N), a follower of Kuan Ti, lives in the rilmani burg of Centered Focus near the base of the Spire. She reports that the rilmani believe that the topmost (oldest) snail is as old as the creation of the multiverse, and that when it reaches the top of the Spire the multiverse will come to an end and their quest for balance will be over. Of course, this snail has never been found, and most bloods in the know consider the Spire to reach up forever, so it may be a joke on the part of the rilmani or a statement of their dedication to the Balance.

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