Sky Tree

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The Locals Sky Tree Copyright © 1999 by Leonidas

The Sky Tree is the most unique form of plant life on Arborea. The trunk forms a wooden disk, with a thickness and width that varies with the age of the tree. Saplings are merely four or five lengths across and one thick. One particularly huge specimen was nearly 300 leagues in radius and was some fifty in thickness, a complete elven tree city lives upon it. Its leaves resemble a light green circle, roughly the size of a man's splayed hand. When the leaf has aged it becomes nearly translucent. Leaves falling down onto the ground below are one of the most haunting sights available on the plane. Entrance travelers have been known to watch the sunlight dancing through the slowly falling leaves for days. The wood is dark and porous making it poor for carving. The tiny holes are filled with a lighter than air gas that has a sweet smell. When the wood of a living sky tree is pierced a shrill whistling noise of gas escaping is heard. Many have mistaken this noise for a woman screaming. Insects are particularly destructive to a sky tree; enough of them eating away at the wood will cause the plant to fall to its destruction. 

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