Six Simple Rules of Gehennan Etiquette

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Just Surviving Six Simple Rules of Gehennan Etiquette Copyright © 2000 by Samael

"Hey, berk! I would'n do that if I were you! Why? Well, that little hand motion yer made - aye, that'n there - means 'ykl athlkak mtxal' in 'loth. Whassat? Do'n speak 'loth? Well, I'll lan yer then. In Common, is'n means 'hey, ugly! You wass'n yer particulars torn off an' rammed up yer'n fundament?' Lucky fer ye there's only me'n an' that mezzoloth here. Unlucky fer ye that'n I happens te be a arcanaloth in disguise.

[Stretching, tearing sound. Screams.]

"Aaah'n, but I do love it when they screams... "

- - Mimir found on Blood War battlefield, original source unknown.

Believe it or not, faux pas like the one above aren't all that uncommon amongst the average traveller in Gehenna. Being as orderly as it is, there's a strict social code to which a cutter'd better adhere or risk - like our friend in the example - being written in the Dead Book right quick. As a start, here's six little rules to remember when travelling in the Furnaces: Carrying holy water or similarly sacred materials is regarded as a grave insult on Gehenna; most natives'll show a basher the error of his ways by ripping off his legs and then throwing him into a deep pit. Believe it or not, a lot of 'loths are sensitive about their appearance, so never say something like 'hey, butt-ugly! More beer!' to one unless you really, really like either a) pain or b) the sight of your own entrails. Guardinals aren't welcome in many towns across the Infernal Mounts, and they or those known to associate with them are usually given the cold (on Gehenna?) shoulder at best and a one-way trip to a bloodstained rack at worst. A canny blood'll conceal any evidence of dealings with the champions of Good Untainted until he's at least three planes away. 'Loths run Gehenna. This may sound simple, but forget and you're a corpse, sure as Sigil. Remember to grovel appropriately in the presence of yagnoloths and give the others a wide berth - for most cutters, attracting their attention is a death sentence. Never mention the General of Gehenna in conversation, and never ever ask where he might be found. Folk have a nasty habit of...disappearing if they press too close to this particular dark. Keep clear of hand signals. 'Loth phrases translate well into body movements - for example, waving one's hand is equivalent to 'you are the spawn of a kender' in 'loth, which is just about the worst insult anywhere. 

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