Sigil Marketplace

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Lay o' the Land Marketplace Encounters Copyright © 1999 by Heiner de Wendt

-Arborean Cheese, in different sizes and states (some like it hot; some like it rotten). Red-eyed halfling tiefling, CG.

-Beastlands boots, this stand is a bit bigger as the merchant is actually a shoemaker directly fulfilling people's demands. All shoes and boots are made from leather of beasts from the Beastlands. Merchant is a githzerai; CN.

-Crimlick's Great Arts, takes jobs to paint people. Cambion, CE.

-Locks'n'Keys, locksmith. Human, N.

-Planar Vine, only small amounts of bottles of each type. Bariaur, CG.

-Maybe Magic?, a Tyktyyn, humanoid creature with a fish-like head and scales all over the body, sells items with a magical aura that are not possible to identify; IF something's magic, the prices are fine, if not, it's a horrible waste of money. Tyktyyn, LE.

-Combs, try the innate magical unicorn-horn-comb! Mouseman, CN.

-Maps, treasure & geographical. Dwarf, NG.

-Long swords and short swords. Human, LN.

-Lamps & Lanterns. Khorred-tiefling, LG.

-Pens, Inks, Paper. Ogre Magus, N.

-Meat from Upper Planar animals. Alu-fiend, CG.

-Girdles, leather & rope-made. Half-elf, NE.

-Harps of Elysium. Air Genasi, NG.

-Flutes, a friend of the above. Air Genasi, LN.

-Mushrooms and Grasses, actually all of them are some kind of drugs. Tiefling, CE.

-Frozen Concepts, from the areas of True Cold in the Plane of Ice. A 9-feet-tall being covered completely in a metal armor and unwilling to tell of what race it is, CN.

-Ships & boats, of course, none directly available, but you can make contracts here; you have to pay 10% directly, and the rest only as soon as the ship gets to your address. Water troll, overlooking his stand from a large barrel in which he swims, N.

-Cures and potions. Weretiger shaman, NG.

-Sword Arms, an efreet, wearing a magical ring providing him with a comfortable atmosphere, arranges contracts for mercenaries, but he only takes the best fighters available; if asked the right questions, he also sells slaves, LE.

-Finest straw, an aaracokra sells straw for use as bed or to make up a nest, and assures it's the most comfortable straw one can get, CG.

-Fighter training, a firbolg trains anyone for one gold piece per half hour, and also accepts fighting contests to first blood for 10 gp per fight (he's in dire need of money), CG.

-"Get rid of it!" an Alaghi cares for all your problems with rats, bugs, undead, CN.

-"Hail to Ale!" a miniature brewery created by two gnome brothers, all the time busy making & selling their fine ale; NG and CG.

-Foreteller, an ancient looking hill giant asks the bones for what awaits you [15% chance that any given foretelling is true], CN.

-Oceanus water, 1sp per bottle, albino elf, LG.

-Simple spells [Useful PHB spells to 2nd level, like "Continual Light" and similar stuff], Bullywug mage, LN.

-Blank Parchments and books, Grimlock (has got an ioun stone with which he can communicate telepathically), N.

-Small gems and other nice-looking stones, Kobold, CN, currently talking with an Earth Elemental who wants to purchase all of his wares, but for a price the kobold considers too small.

-Monster Parts - eyes, internal organs, blood, etc. in various small containers to keep them fresh, high prices but good quality, yuan-ti, NE.

-Giant axes and shields, Frost giant with Cloud giant wife, CN and CG.

-Winter wolves (a dozen or so in various cages, though the merchant says he's got access to as many as the buyer wants), white-skinned human, CE.

-Warm fur and clothes, highly intelligent Yeti, N.

-Hot fire, fire mephit owning a ring granting him his breath weapon every turn, uses it for anyone who pays fine (and might be convinced to use it AGAINST someone if he thinks that's safe to do), LE.

-Aquatic clothes, Sahuagin (actually wearing one set of his own wares, so he gets along without problems in Sigil), LE.

-Ash from the Plane of Ash, Ash hag (night hag who was polymorphed by an enemy of her long ago), NE.

-Fruits from the Prime, circular stand with the three merchants on the inside, selling fruits of various types, some very sweet, some poisonous, some with worms, some very healthy, merchants look like elves, except that they're covered with thick scales (they call their race "elyaaran"), NG, NG and LN.

-Longbows and arrows, Centaur, N.

-"Granted wisdom", a small, ugly old man listens to people's stories and grants them his advice afterwards, he doesn't take any payment directly, but says "Pay what you think my advice was worth". Actually, the human is a polymorphed silver dragon (protected from "True seeing" and such) on the look for wise, good people who could help him on a quest. If some characters seem fitting, he might meet them later again, maybe in a different form. The dragon is LG.

-The Crew: A bunch of sailors who've lost their ship and their captain on their last trip looks out for a new opportunity to make some money. Races and alignments vary, but they're mainly chaotic-neutral.

-Iron fists (brass knuckles, iron gloves, and so on), half-elf barbarian, CE.

-"Get back your wisdom!" A lamia says that life on the planes has changed her, alignment and nature, and she's now able to give back wisdom that was sucked by other lamias. Unfortunately, though, she sucks intelligence from her customers instead, granting her one more point of intelligence for every 20 points she's sucked (she can only suck IN while bringing back wisdom from another lamia's victim, though). The lamia is NE.

-Spell components (the most common stuff, as well as some particularly Underdark-related), male drow mage, CE (he's actually looking for a drow who's gone rogue and escaped to Sigil).

-Crazy little things, a gnome just lets his creativity run wild, the gnome is CN.

-Investigations, an Illithid genius who's concentrated on solving crimes and similar problems, though he only takes over jobs fitting to his alignment, and he's LE.

-Beastlands poems (copies written & signed by the author), tiger woman, CG.

-Long life, a hooded being sells minor potions of longevity for very high prices if the right person asks the right questions, he might suggest a cheaper and far more effective way to eternal life, though, vampire, CE.

-Breads and rolls, halfling baker makes up the finest bread this side from his mother's home, NG.

-City guard, four humans in shining plate armor sell their service as guards for tours to any place in the city, LN.

-Mysteries and darks, tiefling (electric energy sparkles from her ash-gray hands) sells tomes and scrolls supposedly containing great secrets. As the books are all very, very expensive, not many people are interested in buying anything. As soon as someone buys a book or scroll, the stand simply vanishes and all except the buyer don't even remember the tiefling was ever there.

-Wooden boxes (up to coffin size) with fine locks, a hairy, ghoul-like looking being with slime dripping from its' mouth, N.

-Claws of the Abyss, a former human paladin who lost his status during his time in the Abyss now considers his business as a kind of "vengeance" for what he's lost (he might have a hot discussion with a succubus or so when the PCs arrive), LG.

-Cute critters, a large dwarf who tends to use rough words sells creatures who actually look like "hairballs", but who tend to act very cute; the dwarf explains he gets them from a backwater prime world, and seeks companions for his next trip; the dwarf is LN.

-Razorvine Death, aasimar alchemist thinks he's found something that lets razorvine cripple to death; the problem is to create one drop of the stuff, you need one pint of pit fiend blood, so he can only sell very few; NG.

-Blackness Balls, tiefling with four arms and dark red skin sells little glass spheres that contain a strange "blackness". It's hard to explain what it is, but the black isn't just black, it is well BLACK. The tiefling doesn't want (or maybe even can't) explain what it is. He's CN.

-Tiniest coins of the prime, coins from prime worlds, the largest coin the size and form of a teardrop; the actual value isn't that much, but the merchant sells it as "extravagance"; bariaur, CN.

-Cups and bottles, half-orc, CN.

-Dishes and spoons, goblin, CE [nasty "enemy" of above orc].

-Fine perfumes, Air genasi, LG.

-Elysium soybeans, human Elysium petitioner, NG.

-Hats & Helms, a pixie has much fun selling funny and strange hats and helms, CN.

-Hard bricks from Acheron, hobgoblin, LE.

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