Mount G

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The Locals Mount Gûd Demipower, "Earthquake Gûd" Copyright © 2000 by Leonardo Wilhelm
AoC:  Toil, Mountains and Skills
AL:  NG (L)                                  WAL:  Any good
Symbol:  Onions, marshes and earthquakes
Home P/L/R:  Bytopia/-/Mount Gûd
Known Proxies:  None

"The Outer Planes are known by eccentric gods. Specially the all-planar ones. In Sigil, this power is named as that of crazy dwarves, cracked gnomes and lunatic halflings, but people in Bytopia take this very seriously."

Seems a power arose from an obscure sect that grew large in the plane. See there's a lot of bashers in here that don't like to stay put, even if most of them just say, "why don't ya settle down?" There's a city built over a herd, a wandering treant, a drifting titan and others. So, why would this itinerant mount thing be so new, huh? Well, Gûd is a jack-of-all-trades, he travels through the plane, visiting all places during a cycle and performing all kind of services.

His followers dry marshes every cycle, so farmers might grow their crops, they reform buildings, lay roads, tend to sheep and in exchange they get friendship everywhere and food as payment. The mount that is Gûd takes them for a trip in Dothion, the layer, causing rumbling sounds warning of his coming. He is snowy at the top and full of greenery at the bottom.

Gnomes like him because when he shows up, his earthquakes cause veils of jewels to appear. They come on hard rock, but they are worth their looks. The soil where he passed through is blessed. The onion that peels many layers into nothingness and purity of self is the objective of his followers, the earth that is never still, but always stiff and the marshes from where hope and life spring, as well as toil.

His worshippers live over his mountain body, in a set of shacks-holes that acquire the looks of the last place he went, as they love souvenirs and tales.

Rock Tom, the proxy, walks around, helping decide the god's path on a said cycle, so locals are keen to please him. He, however, respects more cutters that are tough as nails and are not afraid of work. 

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