
Anonymous's picture
The LocalsMa'azbertCopyright © 2000 by >Itzhak Even[Demi Power]

AoC: disease, decay, poisonAL: CEWAL: CE (drow any)Symbol: shriveled spiderHome P/L/R: Abyss/422th layer/Palace of Ill-Omen

Ma'azbert, the drow goddess of disease, decay and poison is a very ambitious goddess and her plans are nothing short of becoming the head of the drow pantheon and rising to greater goddess status. She makes her home in the Abyss. Her palace is in an advanced decay state and all manner of her favorite pets are present: spiders, snakes, poisonous toads, rotgrubs, rust monsters, dark weavers, retrievers and other such hideous creatures.

Role-playing informationLike the other drow gods she wants the drow to become the masters of the under dark and so she helps them by sending her avatars, secretly of course, to spread diseases, to poison their enemies and to bring her decaying touch to their cities and homes. She doesn't send omens to her priests but will send them prophetic dreams if a powerful enemy approaches a state where he must be weakened fast or to do other such shadowy plans.

CharacterThe body of a person can be considered his temple. The care he invests in it can be compared to the devotion a blood is giving to a power. If you damage his body beyond the help of his power then he may well lose the devotion for his power, and thus will be even more weakened. To accomplish that end you must use poisons and disease against his body.

PowerMa'azbert is the most ambitious of the new drow gods. If she fails to become the head of the pantheon by her own right then she may well try to become Daermon's consort. But right now she bides her time, waiting to see the result of the conflict between Lolth and Daermon.

At the moment she is making some contact with Yeenoghu, with whom she shares the layer. The only reason he allowed her to remain is that he can use her powers against the weakening Gorellik to occupy his time and not move against him.

DescriptionThe term palace is wrong for this place. It may well have been a palace once, but now it is only ruins, which suits the power well. Her petitioners appear as dark worms, and may well be promoted by her to one of the forms discussed above.

Principal TownsSurrounding the ruins is a "thriving" burg called Marazan. Marazan has few living inhabitants of the humanoid or demi-human type. It is mainly filled with the above creatures and also with 3 greater mummies that worship Ma'azbert, and other undead that transmit disease, poison or other things (Like a Son of Kyuss).

Special ConditionsNo healing spell may work within the realm unless cast in it's reversed version.

Principal Non-player CharactersNeedfae (Pr/female greater mummy/HD 10+3/CE) is the most ancient of the three mummies. Because of the power's low status (only a demi-goddess), and the "short" time of her existence (merely 1000 years), she does not have a proxy yet but Needfae is ready to assume that role.

ServicesRare poisons and exotic diseases are sold here freely to the highest bidder. No matter how rare or exotic the thing you ask for is, chances are good that you can find it here if you can pay the right amount. Anyone who wants to harm druids will likely find help here, and the price might even be lowered for that reason. It is also a haven for assassins and those who need a poison to harm those who seem impervious to poisons or diseases (Even against fiends, celestials, paladins and druids).

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