Lunia Encounter Table

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    Just SurvivingLunia Encounter TableCopyright © 2000 by Heiner de Wendt

1: An archon on the beginning of his path to the second layer believes he's destined to help the PCs, as his quest to achieve perfect charity. Although he's not utterly wrong about the charity thing, he's yet to learn that he has to give as much charity as possible to everyone, not only to a few chosen individuals.

2: A couple of members of the Order of the Planes-Militant have organized a friendly duel between two of their members. The knights, Chaggan Blossomheart and Arthem Gendoureen, fight to decide who of them shall receive the last picture that has been painted of a woman they both loved, but who considered both of them only as very good friends (but knew of their love). The woman, also a member of the Order, died recently in a battle in the Outlands, where they defended an Indep village against raiding tanar'ri.

3: A couatl bard travels the plane in search for a metaphor, which can describe the love and devotion he feels for Jazirian. He's trying to write the "perfect" song of praise, and only lacks this one last metaphor. He has been searching for it for three years now.

4: A githzerai victim of the Styx has found herself on the shore of the Silver Sea just a few hours ago. She's found a letter, written by herself, when she woke up. The letter told her that she's arranged all this by herself, so to make sure she could start a new life of purity and goodness, without her horrible past interfering. The githzerai is, naturally, utterly confused.

5: A group of dancers (consisting of various mortal races) sets up a glorious, near-perfect dance, accompanied by a band of great musicians. The dance symbolizes a priest who fights off forces of Evil constantly. The first time he fails is when he starts having doubts as to if his deity is still with him; he nearly dies now after another attack of the evil forces, but just before it's too late, he regains his faith, and again stands proud and victorious.

6: A young sage, worshipper of Brihaspati, studies the various visitors of Mt. Celestia, trying to find out what the most common and most important reasons are for people to come here. Although a bit shy, he hopes to get his questions answered by about everyone he sees (except, of course, the natives of Mt. Celestia - he's studying only the visitors).

7: A lawful good Guvner is setting up a weird apparatus, consisting of many mirrors, jewels, gears and strings. If asked, he explains that this machine reacts to light, setting the gears in certain positions depending on how much light comes in from which direction. The Guvner hopes to find out the rules that govern the moon- and starlight of Lunia, believing that the stronger the light, the greater the goodness of Lunia is at that moment. He thinks that, if the rules, which govern this, were known, it would be far easier for everyone to ascend, yet still learn as much as they do nowadays.

8: A couple of gnomes are building a staircase made from perfectly carved marble. They hope that, one day (maybe in a few years, maybe in eons), this will become a path up to the seventh heaven, an embodiment of the perfect ideals of Mt. Celestia.

9: An instrument maker seeks to build a harp imbued with goodness, so that the music it produces will be inherently good. He is currently gathering hair from various people and beings, planning on using the hair of human paladins for the first three strings, the hair of ki-rin on the second three, the hair of hound archons on the third three strings, etc.

10: A sage specializing in languages and writing gathers everyone interested around him, so to teach them everything he knows about these topics. The reason is that he's already quite old, and thinks he's going to die in the next few months, but doesn't want all his gathered knowledge to just fade away with him.

11: A dwarven petitioner of Moradin travels Lunia in search for a certain gemstone that can only be found on this layer. He wants to use that gemstone - a so-called "moonsparkle" - in a weapon he's forging, which is a dwarven axe version of the elvish moonblades.

12: Greeneye, a bariaur paladin with weirdly strong-shining green eyes, asks people about a fire genasi living somewhere near here. If pressed, he explains that it might be possible this genasi is his grand-father. Greeneye now wants to find out if he's a "pure-blooded" bariaur, or if he really has a "plane-touched ancestry". He doesn't consider this "bad" or anything; he's only very upset because he always believed he knew everything about his ancestry.

13: A young boy, not older than eight or nine years, is searching for a Warden Archon named Suriel. He says the archon keeps a weapon that once belonged to his father; the archon promised the boy's father to give it over to his son as soon as he is ready. The boy's father actually was a paladin, and the archon took the weapon from him when the paladin became a fallen paladin, giving in to rage and fury and killing a couple of innocent people. Now, as unbelievable as it sounds, the boy in his young age has become a paladin himself, and wants to do atonement for his (deceased) father's sins. For that, he hopes to get the holy sword of his father.

14: Rumors of a beholder who's infiltrated Mt. Celestia. Weirdly, the archons do not act, seemingly waiting for something. Whoever tries to find out what's up finds that the beholder came to Mt. Celestia for redemption, and has now returned from a quest in which he finally embraced the ideals of goodness. The reason the archons didn't act is that they wanted to find out first if the beholder still had evil in himself, or was truly "risen" now.

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