Lost Grounds

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Just SurvivingLost Grounds[Realm - Thuldanin]Copyright © 2000 by Leonidas

CharacterStop the dance and the beating of the drum. Let the sounds of quarrelling over meaningless causes reach you. When there's no hope there's just permanence and fatalism, but the fears go away.

PowersLimitation, hunger and violence are the sphere of influence of the lesser power Nome, of the mbe pantheon. He is an old wrinkled and senile man that simply stopped caring for existence and life. Thus he moved to the second layer of Acheron.

DescriptionThe realm is but a dead forest in advanced state of decay. A thin layer of rust covers most of the trees and skin of the mbe that live here. The mbe that came here are those that lost the essence of mbe life: unconditional hope.

The petitioners now wander carelessly by the unfertile lands waiting for the end. To them it comes in three ways. Some hunger out of existence, until they deplete the energy that gives them substance. Some are given to fits of violence cause by the frustration and kill themselves. Others, yet, limit things in their views until there's nothing left and they become rusty hollow statues.

Battles may spill into the realm at times, with loads of orc and goblin corpses flooding the cities. The power could not care less. Time is an unknown factor in the Lost Grounds, mbe die of old age and no one knows why. Knowledge is barred and made useless by the limitation properties. Weeks come and go, but they only reference one has is hunger.

Principal TownsThere are four burgs in the realm, all composed of still live mbe, as the petitioners simply roam. The most populated is Grassblade, a city in perpetual state of urgency. Little food is available and gold isn't any worth here. There is a portal to the third layer in the middle of the town, however.

Special ConditionsThe realm's power of limitation is truly fearsome. Once a petitioner says a person's true name (or complete name, so to speak), he may not leave the realm, unless he has someone cast remove curse or similar or he manages to give himself a new name. This is all of new beginnings that the realm can't understand. One who does so is freed from its influence.

Food is almost inexistent in the realm. When it is found it is only to create a contrast to greater hunger. As for animals, all found here are rabid.

Principal Non-Player CharactersMajor Giuliano (Pl/male human/F6/LN) is hiding in the realm from the other astray group from the Battle Cube, the goblin army. His orcs wanted to pillage the mbe burgs for food, but the major is more interested in trying to find external help to defeat the larger enemy. Captain Hydrain (Pe/male goblin/LE) is searching for traces of the orc remaining troops. Until now he just came to find oblivion everywhere he turns, with all those old dark-skinned people staring at him even in death. He just wants to go back to Avalas. His nerves may be starting to fray.

ServicesNo services are available. The mbe that live here sometimes offer as guides for food or join the armies of the plane, but they don't know much else. The realm fosters ignorance.

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