Grub & Bub

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Just Surviving Grub & Bub Copyright © 1999 by Leo

"Why do we pay so much attention to maniacs? Hungry and desperate, I followed Corona to a hot meal. After being invited to grass soup by Grugradia, that bariaur guard, nothing could be more depressing, right? Not so, my friend, not so. You see, cutter, we don't have to taste it all, but I wanted something to fill my philosophical hollow stomach, so why not? A Sensate owner. As a Godsman, I thought it was one of those days... Well, despite the nabassu preparing the food, my senses were not offended until I asked what tasted so bitter and familiar, yet nutritious. The reply: humans stuffed with tomatoes, onions and wood sauce."- Lee Hering Levi, trying to get Red to sympathize... as far as golems may.

Mouthful of Teeth, another invention of the Eat Yourself's nabassu gourmet, comes in a cup bordered by loose teeth, recently extracted it appears. Inside, the nerves, whiskey and champagne ice cubes make for a fast drink that will rattle your teeth (and eyes, and stomach....) out of their sockets.

On the other hand, the Captain Pratt is made of the collected sweat of the original undead legend when he still lived. The gourmet even claims to have personally tortured the illustrious villain in order to gather the load of flasks that fill his bench-laboratory. It can be added to any drink for extra ten jink to give it a "Curses!" and "Arrgh, matey!" flavor.

Chant says that one who gives it a try too many ends up "a pirate with a black soul". An awful fate, most would say. The Eat Yourself has changed location a hundred times. Sometimes a group of githzerai supply it with illithid flesh and the squids torch the place. Other times, the Hardheads try to arrest all of them for promoting cannibalism and murder in other planes. The last time, it was trashed by a group of pot-helmeted, revolted bariaur - because of the Bariaur Sirloin, a quality steak that is enjoyed by fiend and slaadi alike. Admittedly, not all eladrin and Sensates are above giving it a try, either.

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