
Anonymous's picture
The LocalsGreenMother[lesser power] Copyright © 2000 by Torsten Bernhardt

Alignment: CE

Worshippers' alignment: any evil

Area of control: plants

Symbol: a tree with bones in its intertwined roots

Realm: Carceri/Cathrys/Verdance

Evil power of plants, GreenMother is an exiled power from Tir na Og, the Celtic realm. The Celtic pantheon imprisoned her in Carceri for her scheming; as the power of plants, she swayed the plants throughout Tir na Og to her side and corrupted a great many of them without the other gods' knowledge. This done, she began planning an uprising in every realm that would overwhelm the pantheon and sweep her to power as ultimate ruler of Tir na Og.

Unfortunately for GreenMother, her plan was discovered when one of her druids was caught by Cu Chulainn in the process of defiling one of Belenus's standing stones to rob it of its power. Questioned by Belenus himself, the druid turned stag on his power and GreenMother's plan was laid bare.

Word quickly spread to the other powers of the pantheon, and all acted in concert to stop the plant goddess. Belenus darkened the sky, denying light and the sun to GreenMother's armies. He used his fire to great effect while Brigantia summoned an army of cows to eat the immobilized troops.

Most of the gods were willing to destroy the goddess, but Oghma spoke at great length about the deeds that she had performed for the Celts in her youth, and managed to convince them to imprison her in the Scarlet Jungle rather than destroy her outright.

She was stripped of her original name, which is now forgotten to all but the powers, removed from all legends, and cast into Carceri. Renaming herself GreenMother, she quickly took control of an entire orb in Cathrys, which she called Verdance. Now she broods, planning a way out of the Red Prison and back to Tir na Og and vengeance.

GreenMother's proxy is a sullen treant named Fleshroot (proxy/male treant/D(GreenMother)14/CE), so called for his favourite source of nutrients. He roams Verdance incessantly, accompanied by nine evil treant druids of ninth level, but rarely leaves the realm. Fleshroot dislikes "fleshies", but doesn't kill them on sight. Usually. He does do his best to put fiends in the dead-book, to prevent them from using Verdance as a battleground for the Blood War.

Role-playing NotesGreenMother may be chaotic, but she isn't capricious; she's too much of a plant to act that way. She's perfectly willing to have conversations with visitors to her realm, especially those who have news of Tir na Og. Those who worship the Celtic powers are killed out of hand, but others can expect to make it through the conversation alive, although GreenMother may kill them later in their trip, even if she immediately decides to do so.

GreenMother's Avatar (Druid 17)

GreenMother's avatar takes the form of a treant of largest size and maximum hit points. Str: 20Dex: 10 Con: 18 Int: 14 Wis: 19 Cha: 7

MV: 12 SZ: 18' MR: 40%

AC: 0 HD: 12 HP: 96

#AT: 2 THAC0: 6 Dmg: 4d6+8/4d6+8

Special Att/Def Up to four trees can be animated at once, as the treant ability. In addition, any wooden weapon used against GreenMother is instantly affected by warp wood.

Duties of the Priesthood Priests of GreenMother can be either druids (evil alignments allowed) or priests as given below, and may be of any race except herbivores; omnivorous species are expected to eat only meat. Typical priests are some intelligent plant species. They are expected to spread the word of her power and corrupt plants and druids to her ways. Sacrifices of herbivores are expected, but there is no special schedule.

Requirements AB standard, AL any evil, WP any, AR a, SP all, combat, divination*, elemental* (no fire, either), healing, plant, protection, sun, weather; PW 1) barkskin once per day; 4) -1 point of damage/die from fire attacks; 6) pass plant once per day; TU nil.

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