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The LocalsGlitterdeathCopyright © 2000 by Leo

Glitterdeath is listed as the fourty-seventh layer of Abyssal perils by many sages of the Fraternity of Order, among a selection of thousands, coming before the bebilith and the red slaad. It is but an innocent crystalline formation near pools or in humid earth. Most never suspect it is a plant, one with lots of roots below that can absorb a deaders flesh in a matter of hours, due to potent acids hidden in bulbs.

It appears to be ruby or a topaz from the outside, but three rounds after coming nearer than fifteen feet the skin becomes fragmented with strange blue runes of sins in languages long dead, effectively taking 1d10 damage per round until cured by a heal or wish, if the victim fails a saving throw vs. poison. Neutralize poison buys a day of life for the unwary. Touching the plant results in instant death unless a save vs. poison at –4 is made. If someone manages to get one whole and alive, they can be sold for up to 5,000 gp to the githyanki, as they use a rare extract of the plant to cheat time away from the Astral for a day.

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