Forest of Gloom

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        Just SurvivingForest of Gloom[Realm – Pandesmos]Copyright © 2000 by Itzhak Even

CharacterGloom. This is not the gloom of despair, but a gloom that comes from the knowing that you are near your goal, yet you will never reach it. It is also the oppressive gloom that dawns on you when light is replaced with darkness and the sounds of strange creatures can be heard. But most of all it is the gloom of knowing that no matter what you do, you can never leave this place without being utterly changed.

PowerDaermon, the Lord of Nightmares, resides in this realm. As one of the drow gods you would normally expect him to live in the Abyss, where the other drow pantheon can be found, but he has taken refuge in Pandemonium for three important reasons. He is also a power in the Unseelie court, and as such his realm a gate to the realm of the Queen of Air and Darkness. The main reason is due to the intense rivalry between him and Lolth. You see, although he is a usurper in the drow pantheon, and a new god as such, he has gained power in a fast rate, even for a god. He is soon to become an intermediate god and he realizes that a direct confrontation with Lolth is nearby. Thus, he has taken a refuge in this place where he plots Lolth's downfall, while keeping an eye on her activities in the abyss through Ma'azbert, Ergosal, Vhaeraun and Kiaransalee, the other members of the drow pantheon that want Lolth to fall. The third reason is that Daermon feels more at "home" in the screams of Pandemonium than in the "silence" of the Abyss.

DescriptionIn one of the great caverns of Pandesmos is a large forest of ancient trees. But travelers should be careful not to enter the forest. The trees are gnarled a bit, but the true danger lies in the many corrupted faeries that inhabit the realm. The most common of these are the black unicorns, an evil version of the unicorn that he has created, and that paved his way into the Unseelie court. The realm also houses many evil treants and nightmares.

Principal TownsThe only place that can be called a "town" is the Tower of Fear. In the middle of the realm, a sod can find a large clearing. In it there is an enormous tower with a diameter of 200' and whose top is shrouded in darkness. The tower is made of bricks, but a closer look will show that each brick has a face on it, contorted in an image of fear. These are the petitioners of Daermon. The tower is inhabited by many drow that worship this god, and that have managed to come to his realm to learn from him and to prepare to battle the yochlol when the battle with Lolth is joined. Although it may seem strange for a god to trap his petitioners in an inanimate form, this is in fact another aspect of his realm. Only those petitioners that do not succumb to the despair of their form can leave their place in the tower and become a true believer of their god by becoming a black unicorn.

Special ConditionsUnlike the rest of Pandesmos, there are few winds in here and spell casting is possible. Not only that, but also any spells of the Enchantment/Charm, Illusion and Shadow schools have their power increased as if cast by a mage two levels higher, or at -2 to saves.

Principle Non-player CharactersThe most notable NPC in this place is Drezz'mondan (Pr/male drow/Sm20/Free League/CE). Drezz'mondan is a crafty mage of great power. He has developed many spells that further the ethos of his god and wants very much to become a proxy to Daermon. He sometimes roams the planes to battle yochlols and to help spread the word of Daermon to drow communities and to topple the matriarchal priestesses of Lolth.

ServicesOnly powerful sods should dare enter this realm, and they had better not be followers or spies for Lolth or the demi-power Lualyrr. The few sods that enter here on purpose are those who seek to flee the wrath of Lolth or those who seek powerful magic. The last ones had better be armed with magic of their own and be prepared to pay a hefty price for every spell they are taught; or else they will become just another brick in the wall.

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