Factional Holidays

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The Locals Factional Holidays Copyright © 2000 by Leor Blumenthal

Athar-Despite what the clueless might think, the Athar don't spend their time raining on everyone else's feast days. Instead they celebrate the following occasions: Astral Day. The first day of the Athar calendar usually spent in mediation, or if possible they use the Astral spell and hang out in the Astral without their bodies. They often hire bashers to keep the gith's away from their silver cords. After the end of Astral Day they gather in their festhall and celebrate. The Sensates often join in, and the feast is always open to the poor. Sacrilege Day. A day of feasting, drinking, and levity, the Factotums dress up as the "Powers" and mock the foibles of the gods. It rarely goes beyond a pageant, but a few graybeards remember that blood was spilled when a clueless priest of St. Cuthbert took umbrage at the Puck & Judy style puppet show (Where St. Cuthbert was walloping an adherent.) Since then the Mercykillers keep all clerics and proxies away from the Athar on Sacrilege Day. Bar Chutzpa. The confirmation of the child of Athar parents into the worship of the Great Unknown. A lad who reaches 15 destroys a holy item, and reads a speech. Recently the young of the Athar are refusing to go through the ceremony, (possibly due to Anarchist influence.)

Godsmen-The Godsmen have few holidays. To them the Source doesn't care about many holidays. The most important one is Competition, a day where the Godsmen hold races, wrestling matches, and riddle contests, open to all of Sigil. The Fated enjoy participating, and the Xaositects always seem to know the riddles. The Harmonium has tried to ban Competition, on the grounds that some knight of the post has been fixing the races, and running a betting parlor, but the Godsmen are adamant it go on.

Bleakers-The Bleakers have holidays, much to the surprise of those new to the cage. Every month comes the day Weeping, when the Cabal mourns for those who have died with no family. The Dustmen accompany them to the mausoleum, wait till the eulogies have finished, and then say a song of comfort to the Bleakers, saying that the dead are better off.

The Bleakers also have three feast days: The Day of Solitude, where they sit alone in a dark room without speaking, sleeping or eating. The Day of Destitution, where all the Cabal's members (regardless of their wealth or station) don sackcloth and ashes, and march through the lower ward giving out alms. The Day of Failure, where they recite all their sins, all their vows they could not keep, and all those they could not help in the Asylum.

However there is one day one which all Bleakers rejoice: The Day of Promise, the one day when the hopeless dare to hope. They spend they day praying for all the despair and misery to be banished from their lives. At sundown they resume their despondent moods.

Doomguard-The Doomguard celebrate entropy, usually on the last day of the year. They also have a great celebration for Factol Pentars's birthday, as she is progressing one year closer to decay. The Sinkers have a series of feastdays, on which they drink to excess and run amok. The Hardheads have banned all Doomguard feastdays.

Dustmen-Dustmen rarely celebrate. They try to comfort the Bleakers on the Day of Weeping, but they otherwise ignore the holidays of other factions. Even on the Lady's Day, they merely go through the motions. The only day they truly revere is the Day of the Dead. On that day they honor the Undead, and let them roam the streets of Sigil. The Harmonium has outlawed Day of the Dead, but the Dustmen keep on letting the Skeletons wander around.

Fated-The Takers mooch off of other faction's feast days mostly, although they do have private feasts. No one is ever invited to a Taker feast, even other Takers. They celebrate Lady's Day, and the Day of Grace, where they give thanks to the Powers for not letting anyone take what is rightfully theirs, and to show off what they have gained.

Fraternity of Order-The Guvners have over a hundred different feast days, one for each momentous occasion they wish to honor. The most prominent are: The Lady's Day, which they observe passionately. The Day of Labor, on which they honor the workers by forbidding any but the most important tasks to be done. Drinking Day, one which (you guessed it) they imbibe alcohol, usually making long arduous toasts before taking a gulp. The Sensates stopped joining them decades ago, claiming that the toasts were the same every year.

Free League-The Indeps have no official holidays, which they proclaim loudly to anyone within earshot. They go to all the other factions' feast days, except the Harmonium's which are closed to outsiders, and the Ciphers, who got tired of their protestations of not being a faction. Indeps usually get thrown out of most celebrations, and the Xaositects always "forget" to send invitations to the Indeps.

Harmonium-The Harmonium have many holidays, all imported from Ortho. They will only let members of the Harmonium into their festivities, except on The Lady's Day and on Unity. Here the prominent Hardhead feasts: The Lady's Day, the only holiday they have adopted Sigil. They allow anyone to join them for singing their anthems, and forbid consumption of alcohol by non-members. Unity, which commemorates the "unification" of Ortho under the Harmonium's benevolent guidance. They allow anyone to join them, for readings of Hardhead scripture (which the anarchists call propaganda.) So far the Sensates and the Mercykillers are the only faction to attend. The Sensate representatives left in the middle, saying that it was worse than the time the Chaosmen invited the Slaadi Boys Choir to their Lady's Day pageant. Freedom Day, where the Hardheads pray for the multiverse to be "liberated" from their misguided ways. The Day of Darkness, which commemorates the death of a great knight, named Sturm Brightblade, who though not a Hardhead earned their respect when they learned of his heroism. Charity Day, when they hand out coppers to the beggars in the lower ward.

Mercykillers-Other than Lady's Day, the only holidays they celebrate is Justice Day, when they declare amnesty for any criminal who will confess a crime. (Of course amnesty for a Mercykiller isn't what most cony-catchers think it is....)

Revolutionary League-The Anarchists celebrate the holidays of the faction they are infiltrating, and they also have their own holidays, which they celebrate in secret. Those include: Paschal, where they eat no leavened bread. Sukkota, which they spend in the Outlands, in booths. Chanu 25, when they light candles, and celebrate a great victory over the tanar'ri. Purm, when they celebrate, drinking to excess, and sending gifts to friends, and to the poor.

Sign of One-The Signers don't celebrate holidays, they imagine them. They try to imagine great banquet feasts, wine, and decorations. In practice they usually spend they time pretending to be drunk. The Xaositects usually bother them by playing along.

Society of Sensation-The Sensates have 25 holidays, two per month plus Lady's Day. What's special about Sensate holidays is that the Sensates never celebrate them exactly the same way twice. Somehow they always find new things to do on holidays like Glory Day, Pageantry, and Bard's Night, while keeping the meaning of they day the same.

Transcendent Order-The Cipher holidays are days of action, not prayer or contemplation. They commemorate events, not ideas. Their greatest feast is that of The Day of Glee, when they try to drink more than is humanly possible.

Xaositects-The Chaosmen have 1000 holidays. They have no fixed date, and take place when the Factol feels like it. Some years they celebrate one every day, other years they observe none, save Lady's Day. On Lady's Day the Chaosmen do the most outlandish things in their Pageants, like casting Nahal's Reckless Dweomer at dinner guests, or summoning modrons. The Sensates come every year, and actually enjoy themselves on occasion. By order of the Guvners, the Chaosmen are never to bring back the Slaadi Boys Choir, nor may they invite Elminster to give a four-hour lecture on the Ecology of the Flumph.

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