
Anonymous's picture
        The LocalsErgosal[Demipower – Master of Lies]Copyright © 2000 by Itzhak Even

AL: NEWAL: any E (drow: any)AoC: deception, lies, betrayalHome P/L/R: all lower planes/shifts/The VeilSymbol: distorted mask

This is the drow god of lies, deception and betrayal. He dwells in the caverns of Pandemonium and his palace is moved every once in a while and is cloaked from detection and location so that no one he doesn’t want too will find it. He schemes a lot and has many plots both in motion and waiting so that he always has a surprise up his sleeve and his a very unpredictable and undependable god (even to his priests).

He is very involved in the drow life, hatching many plots and creating mayhem whenever possible. He sends omens to his priests but they can be interpreted in two ways or they can be outright false, for his own amusement. Beware of dealings with this god since he will use every thing he can to change the bargain or he will simply dismiss the bargain as non-committing.

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