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The Locals Diurness Lesser Power, "The Huntmaster" Copyright © 1999 by Leonidas
AoC:  Hunters, Woodsmen and Rangers
AL:  CG                                  WAL:  LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN
Symbol:  A winged javelin
Home P/L/R:  P/L/R: Arborea/Olympus/The Golden Forest
Known Proxies:  None

Diurness is the Huntmaster of Durinnar. He is the eldest of the current Gods, having once been a servant of long Dead Muklillin. In the twilight years, when humans were little more than beasts, it was Diurness who showed them how to fire harden a spearhead, and how best to bring down dangerous beasts. He taught teamwork and many sages hold that this early teaching was the reason humans began to band together in ever-larger numbers.

Millennia ago worship of the Huntmaster was far more common and he rose to Intermediate status. In more modern times hunting became more of a hobby and less of a necessity for man, thus he fell to lesser status. Since the Undead invasion many farms have been destroyed forcing people to depend on the wilds yet again. Many more have begun to call on Diurness and it is thought he may yet rise to Intermediate status.

Diurness spends his days visiting those that have need for his skills. He is a patient teacher that enjoys associating with Mortals. Children lost in the wilderness often report a man helping them back home, many suspect it is the God of Hunters caring for his future flock.

His sphere's of influence directly conflict with that of his half brother, Dwinior. The two despise each other and lose no opportunity to disgrace or weaken one another. Dwinior is the patron of those who slaughter animals for trophy or the joy of killing. Druid circles are a common ally in the fight against the God of Slayers.

Diurness is a God of few words, preferring to lead by example. Instead of discussing his skills, he would rather demonstrate them. His dry sense of humor can slip past those not paying close attention. His avatar can be found in wildlands all about Durinnar, engaged in the eternal hunt. He is a faultless tracker and is assumed to be eternally successful in his hunting. Many times orphanages or the elderly awake to find an older buck neatly field dressed and left at their door. It is assumed that the grand old animals have reached the end of their life and are given a chance to be useful in death, rather than rotting away in the wilds.

Followers of Diurness, occasionally with the help of the avatar often ransack wilderness temples of the evil Gods. Bandits and undead are destroyed whenever they are found. A white javelin has been thrown into a city on more than one occasion to warn of a coming attack. For his many good deeds the Huntmaster is highly venerated.

Diurness's Avatar(Ranger 30, Wizard 10, Priest 20)

Diurness appears as a strong slim man with a heavy beard and weathered complexion. He is normally dressed in mottled brown, gray and green leathers and low boots. A quiver of javelins is upon his back and a long hunting knife is by his side. His hair is deep black and his eyes are a brilliant green. He walks in total silence unless he chooses to make noise. Natural animals will never make noise to warn of his approach.

His long knife is known as Bleeder and he uses it to put wounded animals out of their misery. Any struck by it must immediately save vs. Death Magic or die. He also carries an infinite number of Javelins of Piercing that are his primary weapon. He is a master with the javelins, gaining all applicable hit and damage bonuses. A small buckler is worn on his left arm. Any weapon of less than +3 enchantment that strikes it must immediately save vs. crushing blow or shatter. Bleeder will occasionally be bestowed on a quested follower and Javelins of Piercing will be given as a reward for faithful service.

He often appears to respond to calls of aid from devoted worshippers. Also a simple offering at a shrine may bring him. He normally manifests as a deep green aura (the color of sunlight through trees) around a follower, granting him an aura of protection. Those truly in need have had the avatar fight at their side, though this is uncommon.

AC -4, MV 15, HP 230, THACO -9, #AT 3/round, Dmg: 1d6+18(knife or javelins plus 6), MR: 40%, SZ M (six feet three inches tall), Str: 23, Con: 25, Dex: 21, Int: 19, Wis: 23, Cha: 18

The ChurchClergy: Specialty Priest and RangersClergy's Align: NG, CG, N, CNTurn Undead: NoCommand Undead: NoAll specialty priests of Diurness receive religion and hunting as bonus non-weapon proficiencies.

Diurness has few temples in the lands; mostly he is venerated in scattered shrines. His priests are all called to travel, mostly moving from shrine to shrine teaching the glory of the God and his skill. The one major temple that exists is at the base of mount Egthalar. The Hunter's Rest is a sprawling building filled with best bowyer/fletchers and leather makers in the human lands. Here the great mysteries of animal lore are recorded in the library, and research is free to all those who follow the Huntmaster. All are called to visit the Hunter's Rest at least once in their lives and share their lore with the assembled brotherhood. Teachers may also be found here in all hunting related proficiencies, as well as those who can teach Master in the Javelin or bows. Weapons teaching invariably requires a quest of some sort in service to Diurness.

Roughly 40% of the priesthood are rangers; the remainder being specialty priests (huntmasters). The Huntmasters commonly frequent the more settled regions and emphasize the teaching aspect of their religion, where the Rangers explore the wildlands and keep them safe for humanity.

Day to Day ActivitiesFollowers of Diurness are called to teach all of humanity the wilderness skills needed to survive. They are to demonstrate their skills whenever possible and hold hunts for the people to raise consciousness of the wilderness and what it can provide.

Holy Days/Important CeremoniesThe only Holy Day is the Day of Ashes, which memorializes those fallen in defense of humanity. All who die in the wilderness are to be recorded on the Wilds Roll and their names should be brought to the Hunter's Rest so they will always be remembered. The major ceremony is the spirit rest. All animals slain must be prayed over to thank the spirit of the animal for its sacrifice and make clear it dies so that others may live.

Priestly Vestments and Adventuring GarbThe vestments of the Huntmaster's followers are their trademark, mottled leathers. This is a very practical garment as they are both waterproof and allow the wearer to hide in the wilderness. These are worn both in the shrines and the field.

Specialty Priests (Huntmasters) Requirements: Strength 13, Constitution: 12, Dexterity: 13, Wisdom: 14Alignments: NG, CGWeapons: Javelins, Knife (any), Shortsword, ShortbowArmor: Studded leather and shieldMajor Spheres: All, Astral, Animal, combat, Healing Protection, Travelers, WeatherMinor Spheres: Creation, Divination, Elemental, Guardian, Necromantic, SunReq. Prof: Tracking, Animal Lore, Javelin or Shortbow (pick one)Bonus Prof: Religion, Hunting, Survival (any terrain), Endurance

  • Humans and Half-Elves can become Huntmasters
  • A Half-Elven Huntmaster may multi-class as a Huntmaster/Ranger. They must take the scout kit.
  • Huntmasters may select nonweapon proficiencies from Priest/Thief and Warrior lists without penalty.
  • Huntmasters may move silently and hide in shadows as a Ranger of the same level. All normal Racial, Armor and Dexterity adjustments apply.
  • At third level they may cast Lighten Load as the second level priest spell once per day.
  • At fifth level they may cast Divine Might as the third level priest spell once per week.
  • At seventh level a Huntmaster may attack three times in two rounds.
  • At ninth level they may conjure a Nature Spirit once per month.
  • At thirteenth level a Huntmaster may attack twice per round.
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