Commerce Park

Anonymous's picture
Just Surviving Commerce Park [Site] Copyright © 1999 by Rasgon The planetar Marc, polite, businesslike and honest to a fault, believes that trade lowers the amount of violent conflict in the world, and that capitalism is ultimately the most equitable of economic systems, promoting understanding across cultural, ethnic, religious, and economic lines. His subordinate celestials work to keep trade running smoothly and fairly across the worlds, helping to stop thieves, misers, robber barons, and exploiters while encouraging money to change hands.

Commerce Park is a near-infinite expanse of tents and bazaars in Bytopia built by and for celestials and planeborn but accepting all that come willing to trade fairly. Goods from across the Upper Planes can be found here, including artifacts believed lost for centuries and found by Marc's servitors and sold here that they might enrich the planes through their presence once more. A cervidal was excited to find the cup he had found was the Holy Grail itself. With it he rescued a doomed band of eladrin and halted one of the greatest battles the Blood War had ever seen before he ultimately gave it to a questing paladin in exchange for a timely healing.

Verifiable rumor says that anyone who buys something in Commerce Park and refuses to part with it for a worthy and fair offer will find their treasured object simply gone one day. In Commerce Park, one might find an acorn from Grandfather Oak, exotic fruits from the Beastlands, magical sand from Pelion, ambrosia and golden harps from Mount Celestia, or one's own true love. Those searching for goods for corrupt or ignoble purposes may find they've traded for their own karma, and regret it.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Commerce Park

This popped up on the random lit when I stopped by here just now.

eyes that "copyright"

Rasgon might find that Steve Jackson Games seriously disputes that "copyright" claim, seeing as how his description here is a Planescape version of the Archangel Marc from the In Nomine game line, to which they own the English rights.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.