Athet the Mossy

Anonymous's picture
Just Surviving Athet the Mossy [Town] Copyright © 1999 by Rasgon

Location: Dothion

Character: Easy streets, brotherly love, ashtray heart.

Ruler: Twin dragons with golden scales rule Athet. They generally take human form. Dagmar has beautiful rose streaks in his wings; he is the dominant brother, always-launching grandiose social reforms and programs of exploration. Silrammir, a smaller dragon tinged with bronze, does much of the actual day-to-day work of governing.

Behind the Throne: Athet has a second city within the greater one ruled by a small group of wizards known as the Fireveils. The second city, known as Paradise, is built around a dormant volcano. Here, the day-to-day mundane life of the Mossy is replaced by busy explorations into the heart of magic, constant researches and a flow of minor magical devices.

Description: Mosses of all sorts cover the landscape to the horizon, some with unusual properties. Great trees shade the landscape, largely masking the sky, though an orange streak can be sometimes seen above Athet proper. Every building, every window, every street is filled with thick green growth, most of which is harmless, though memory moss lurks in some of the alleyways, something that encourages the wizards to hide in their sanctum. The average citizen of Athet is used to the cool green-hued light of Athet's buildings, and thinks nothing of it. In the center of the city, on top of a vast hill, is a city within the city. Over a wall the cool mossyness of Outer Athet is gone, replaced with the flaming pit of a dormant volcano. Tunnel mouths gape all along the interior: the homes and laboratories of the city's wizards.

Militia: The city militia is composed of mounted cavaliers armed with holy-water sprinklers and lances. Most of the wizards have no special combat abilities.

Services: Athet grew up along a major Dothian trade route, and most of its citizens are merchants. The primary local product is moss, naturally. The wizards of Paradise provide many magical products and services in exchange for raw materials the city's merchants and moss farmers provide them with; it seems many of the mosses make excellent spell components.

Current Chant: Silrammir is missing, leaving Dagmar at a loss. He has recruited some of Paradise's wizards to help with Silrammir's duties, all of which are extremely surly at having their researches interrupted.

The dark is that several ages ago the land was uninhabited except for a single moss spirit. The moss spirit, seeking companionship, found a tunnel leading deep within the layer, exploring places that even the monstrous ancestors of the gnomes had never visited. She followed her heart into the inner heat of the land, and there discovered a spirit that glowed with the fire of creation.

Moss invited her new friend back to her home, and so they went. They made an admirable pair, Moss cool and connective, Heat vibrant and representative of the chaos that keeps Dothion from sliding up Mount Celestia. When children of the lower worlds ventured into their nest, a mage called Armacycilus with his two dragon guardians, they were welcomed as well. For a time all were happy.

Initially Armacycilus only wanted a place to perform his experiments on the magic of gas and flame, but things changed when Heat and Moss produced a child.

The child, a creature of mild green warmth, was named Meat Hoss by its unfortunately unimaginative progenitors. Meat Hoss was unique in that she needed no one; she fed on the energy she herself created. That left her alone and separate, and she left the plane for the Beastlands before sixteen seasons had passed.

Moss and Heat were devastated. They begged Armacycilus to help them retrieve their darling, and he agreed to send Dagmar and Silrammir to look for her. Sixteen seasons passed, and the dragons returned, reporting that Meat Hoss was flying with the herons and did not want to be called. Moss and Heat imported herons into their growing city, and convinced the dragons to ask again. Again they returned after sixteen seasons, saying that Meat Hoss was crawling with the centipedes and did not want to return. Great Centipedes like caravans were brought into Athet and the process was repeated, with the same result. The spirits of the place lamented, "Our daughter will not come because she cannot, as others can, depend on an other to be complete. Would that she were twins and not this selfish whole!" Armacycilus brooded over this and over his experiments and said, "You know, Patrons, it may be possible." So the menageries were dismissed, scattered throughout the planes. Armacycilus retired to his laboratory and labored while Dagmar and Silrammir ruled the city. And Heat and Moss sent for more wizards and more wizards to support the city's wealth while others labored on the artifact that Armacycilus would build.

At last the great magus emerged from his cave, his assistants (of many races) beaming with pride. "I call it the Five-Armed Prism," he boasted, and demonstrated its efficacy by becoming at once a tyrant-king named Xonos, an Arcane called Greius, a child named Bright Wisp and an eladrin called the Dancing Lord.

"Wondrous!" exclaimed the spirits, but Armacycilus no longer knew them. He wandered off in every direction, leaving the artifact behind. Silrammir reassured his friends Moss and Heat. "Do not worry. I will take the artifact to Meat Hoss and Dagmar will watch the city." "What?" Dagmar cried in dismay.

But Silrammir's journey had begun. While in the Outlands, he was mugged by a gang of Anarchists mounted on something that can mug dragons. The Prism was stolen and taken to Carceri and the dragon was sold to the khaasta.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Athet the Mossy

This is a great location for an often neglected plane. Kudos.


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ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Athet the Mossy

Haha, thanks. "Rasgon" is one of my pseudonyms, and some of my more ancient submissions, the ones imported from a previous version of this site, are under that name (and thus no longer editable by me). I vaguely remember writing this, over a decade ago. I think some of it is still good, but I'm no longer as amused by the name "Meat Hoss" as I was back then.

The Five-Armed Prism actually ended up creating a site in Carceri that I also detailed. For convenience, I'll post it in this thread.



Character. As if all of a hydra's heads were ganging up on its tail, the outward forms you show to others have been set free. They're coming for you.

Ruler. The yagnoloth Lakerus, a sadistic bastard known for cutting pieces off his enemies, controls the most powerful faction in the city. Lakerus has fallen on hard times of late; his arm has been replaced by a mechanical thing created from greensteel and a living limb cut from a retriever. Half of his head has been replaced by an enormous obsidian eye from the City of Glass and Vine.

Behind the throne. The supremacy of the yugoloth overlords was challenged several decades ago by a slave uprising. By means of an artifact called the Five-Armed Prism (crafted by the eladrin known as Dancing Lord) the slaves managed to cut away what the city's populace was from how it was perceived. Ruling suddenly became much more difficult as the yugoloths were confronted by doubles representing what they meant to their slaves. After many cycles, the city has stablized into uneasy balance between the competing factions. The slave have been able to scratch out a bit of status for themselves by playing their multiple masters off of each other. Another advantage they have is the assistance of the servile toadies the yugoloths saw in them. They can't be trusted, but they can be bossed around by anyone, including their more dynamic doubles.

Description. A city divided between the yugoloths and their human slaves, between signifier and signified, what is and the endless hunter reflections of meaning. Severence is a port city on the Styx and receives and benefits from trade throughout the Lower Planes, although most do not stay long for fear that the many faces they wear will try and kill them.

Militia. Severence is patrolled by mezzoloths, slaves not being trusted with weapons. The problem is, each major rival for the throne has his own army (each army consisting of up to 30 groups of three). It's fortunate that mezzoloths don't have much personality, or there'd be more. There are about half as many dergholoths, and about twelve piscoloths running the various armies. There were once more, but those aspects whose troops didn't duplicate with them were executed.

Spymaster Targa was nicknamed the Many even before the Severing because of her masterful use of disguise in keeping order within the city. Though created a nycoloth, she managed to convince the populace that she was (variously) an arcane, a tiefling, an imp, a shator, a babau, a human revolutionary , and a slaad. Rooting out trouble and manipulating the various leaders and upstarts was child's play for this sly cutter, and promotion seemed assured.

Frustrated as all her carefully created identities were stolen by living facades ignorant of her plans, she tried to create new personas only to have them become real, seperate entities as fast as she killed them.

Furious now, Targa finds most of her time hiding in the shadows and killing random passerby, grateful that almost no one knew of her real persona (even Atrophus, since she was appointed by the ultraloths). What sh e doesn't know is that even now the murders she commits in her silent rage is creating a rival serial killer, one even more silent, and more invisible than Target herself.

It's ironic that the human Jacquie, (Female human thief 14) who was a brilliant revolutionary when she was actually Targa, has grown even better since then. The current Jacquie is the primary leader of the human resistance, and it's beginning to look as if she might win. Even the most overblown exaggerations of her prowness have so far been evaded, allowing the rebel leader to continue her work with relative efficiency.

One aspect of Jacquie that hasn't changed since she stopped being a nycoloth spy is her dislike for Paul, the mastermind who found the Prism. The original Paul has been dead for some time now, replaced by one more amicable to Jacquie's schemes.

Services. The rewards of having the perfect alibi are tempting enough that many brave the city's violence and unrest to collect aspects of themselves. If it weren't for the duplicates' murderous dispositions, even more would. Due to the trouble Severence is having with its organization,

Current Chant. Farrow, a shadowelf from Sigil, has been making inquiries about Severence, believing that it might help him with a problem he has.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Athet the Mossy

Love Severance, not sure why but I didn't see your reply until now. Like how Farrow gets a mention. Smiling


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