Ashkara's Domain

Lorft's picture

An exerpt from the Notes of Dr Byran Lorft - Senior consultant of the mind, The Fraternity of Order.

Day 14, Year the eighth:

After a long days work , while sitting at my acustomed spot with the fortunes wheel , I heard a commotion at the entryway. Affixing my earpiece I directed myself towards the ruffass. From what I gathered , It appeared that Leonard Karbill (a well to do Bragart of the Lady's ward) was being refused entry by the two bouncers on account of his appearance. He had apparently entered a meeting with a business associate in a place called Ashkara's Domain and somehow mid-conversation had been covered in spider-like webbing. After a few more minutes of frenetic arguing Leonard stormed back off into the night. Although the bufoon or his dealings arouse no murmur of curiosity , the establishment he visited may well prove .... interesting.


Ashkara's Domain (Bub house and Kip)

Ashkara's Domain is located within the Lower ward, the name is charred onto a rikerty wooden board crudely nailed to above the door. The rest of the residence fares little better , with a warped oak door barely hanging from its hinges and the furniture a mish-match of different styles and materials. The whole place is filled with dust and cobwebs , and lit by flickering ancient lanterns. The most disconcerting thing about the whole place though is the proprietor herself - Akshara , a female Drider.

"So why does anyone visit this dive?" I hear you ask yourself.

Well there's three reasons (fancy that!)

First is the Adventurers. These barmy sods come to speak with Ashkara herself. Most Driders (or drow) would sooner rip off your head than talk to an upworlder , but many years in the cage seem to have mellowed Ashkara out some. Now don't be thinking she's a easy touch - she still has a personality best described as venomous , but offer her the right amount of jink and she will be happy (or at least willing) to spin you a tale or two of the underdark.

Second is the Sensates , its quite some talk to get served a drink by a half-spider woman. And whats more the Domain offers a whole slew of beverages not found elsewhere in Sigil. From Aftershock to the aptly named Venom , all the drinks here have a certain amount of ... Bite. Wooly Coopgrass has even been seen here relaxing and quaffing some of the more potent shots availible , which in iteslf is a testement to their potency.

Lastly are the traders and businessmen. They come here not for the Ambience , hostess or beverages but a unique property of the domain itself. Whether by the incantations of Ashkara or by some sort of cosmic belief that has anchored itself to the spot, every time someone tells a lie within the bounds of the domain a thin webbing starts to form about them. The more extreme the lie the more obvious the webbing. While cunning bloods can get around this with carful use of half-truths or powerful masking magics many business deals are still conducted here to serve as an extra proof against cross-traders. Lately theres a few tales that been circulating of a certain Chosen of Mystra entering here and spouting off about how great his goddess is only to be completely cocooned within webbing. Of course its mostly the Athar who like to propagate this...

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