Ergosal, The Betrayer

Greyskull's picture

Ergosal: The Betrayer (Demi-God)

If you find someone who claims to hold the true tale of how this god came to his power, take it with a grain of sand. It's seems this god has managed to cloak his origin in the dark, and seeks to keep it that way.

The most common tales told are that he is actually just an aspect of Vhaerun, another means for that god to claim power. Another states that while he was originally an aspect of Vhaerun, he was split from that god by the workings of Lolth, in an attempt to curb Vhaerun's power.

But one of the most popular tales claim that Ergosal was a drow hero on a far world who had the luck to find and assemble the legendary Staff of Orcus, while that demon was cast down by Kiaransalee. With the help of the staff he managed to claim a divine mantle.

Ergosal dwells in The Veil, a moving realm that seems to shift around, between the lower planes, and seemingly can be found in all of them at the same time. This ever-changing realm offers nothing to those who venture into it, and resists all attempts to pierce it's secrets. Some claim that if he did not invest so much power into his realm he would have gained Lesser Godhood by now.

Nothing is at is seems in dealing with this god.


The Shifter, Master of Veils


Deception, lies, betrayal




Neutral evil


Assassins, spies, illusionists


Ergosal's avatar can appear in an infinite number of forms, but is usually portrayed as a noble drow in fine clothing.


They foment the internal wars through the use of deceptions, lies and betraying their "allies" secrets to the highest bidder. They work from behind the scenes to move events to their will, and purpose.



Favored Weapons:

Hand crossbow

Holy Items:

Black masks, items that are not what they appear.

Holy Symbol:

Distorted mask

Default Domains:

Evil, Drow, Trickery, Illusion



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