Ma'azbert, the Filthy One

Greyskull's picture

Ma'azbert: The Filthy One (Demi-Goddess)

Exactly how Ma'azbert came to be is unknown. It is said that she was a minor goddess from a far world. When the number of her worshippers was decimated she fled that world, and reached the abyss, and there began to recruit new followers from among the drow of other worlds. Some legends hint that Lolth herself has bound her to her previous world, but in the chaos of the destruction of her followers she managed to escape those bonds.

Another legend among her followers is that she was a dying priestess of Kiaransalee who prepared to become a mummy, but her ritual clashed with a divine intervention of Colleron, who sought to elevate one of his faithful, and the resulting backlash instead elevated her, and caused corellon's priest to become a mummy. These legends say that she severed her ties with Kiaransalee after her ascension.

The drow goddess of disease, decay, and Poison, she employs many assassins, and uses disease and poison to strike at her enemies, especially priestesses of Lolth.

While her ambitions certainly include becoming the head of the drow pantheon, she realizes that that route will be long, and so consents to help topple Lolth and help daermon become the head, in the hopes of trying to become his consort after his ascension.

She makes her realm, the Palace of Ill-Omen , in the 422nd layer of the abyss, and allied with Yeenoghu, who rules that layer. This alliance is to both their benefits, as she gains an ally against any attack by Lolth, and he gains an ally against Gorellick.

Anyone who enters her realm should be prepared to have the sanctity of his body defiled, as that is the nature of this goddess. A large variety of monsters that carry poison, disease or powers of decay can be found here, and rare and exotic poisons designed to affect those seemingly immune to such things can be found here.


The Shriveled, The Plague-Bearer


Disease, Decay, Poison, Enfeeblement




Chaotic Evil


Drow females, assassins, diseased, anarchists


Ma'azbert's avatar looks like a decayed drow female in tattered clothing and bearing many diseased wounds.


They must spread diseases, decay, poisons and other weaknesses in the lines of their enemies and of the enemies of the drow race (namely the surface elves) so that the drow could prosper and grow. Note that this is a very violent priesthood and the priests will use whatever means available to destroy and weaken their enemies (PCs beware!) and will do so in the most cruel way they can find and use to make an example of that enemy.

Priests of Ma'azbert usually walk around clothed from head to toe, with masks and a heavy scent of incense. Many of them intentionally expose themselves to diseases, and bear these as marks of honor.



Favored Weapons:


Holy Items:

Mummified spiders, rats, or snakes.

Holy Symbol:

A shriveled spider

Default Domains:

Chaos, Evil, Drow, Disease, Destruction



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