
Bane's picture

Given Power: You have a knack for remembering and identifying past experiences of all 5 senses. Among other things you may:

  • Instantly identify a poison, potion or other edible substance that you have tasted in the past by tasting a bit of it and succeeding on a 15 DC wisdom check.
  • Instantly identify any smelly substance that you have smelled on the past by making a DC 15 wisdom check. If you have the Scent special ability the DC is 10. If you are a gnome you receive a +2 racial bonus on this check.
  • Redraw (or recreate with illusions or describe to another, etc.) with perfect precision a scene that you witnessed in the past if you succeed on a Wisdom check against a DC of 10+1 per day that has passed from that event.
  • Instantly recognize a sound's source when you beat a Listen check by 5 or more, provided you have heard a similar sound in the past.
  • Recognize any texture or surface that the kind of you have touched in the past by succeeding on a Wisdom check against a DC of 15 + the item's hardness.

The DM makes secretly all the above Wisdom checks. A failed check means you know you have had such an experience in the past but you can't quite place it. If you fail by 5 or more points then you recall a wrong experience(for example you could mistake a Centaur's walking sounds for a horse).

  1. Sharpen Senses - You gain +2 bonus on various senses checks.
  2. Owl’s Wisdom - Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.
  3. Darkvision - See 60 ft. in total darkness.
  4. Tremorsense - You gain tremorsense 60 feet.
  5. Blindsense - You gain blindsense 60 feet.
  6. True Seeing - Lets you see all things as they really are.
  7. Arcane Sight, Greater - As arcane sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures and objects.
  8. Blindsight - You gain blindsight 60 feet.
  9. Foresight - “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger.

Common Dieties: Sensates

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