Exotic Gith Weapons

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As part of A Planewalker's Guide to the Gith Races, we present five new exotic weapons used by the githyanki and the githzerai. With their unusual cultures, both of which have developed in relative isolation for a long time, in extreme environments, with martial tendencies, it is to be expected that they would have developed unusual and specialized weaponry. Here is a small sampling:

Weapon Cost Damage Critical Range Incr.WeightType
Battle-sickle8 gp1d8x2-6 lb.slashing
Hand-scythe10 gp1d4 or specialx2-3 lb.slashing
Jal'tek65 gp1d10/1d6x3/x2-18 lb.slashing or piercing
Crossbow, Githyanki Triple200 gp1d819-20/x280 ft.10 lb.piercing
Bolts (10)1 gp---1 lb.-
Throwing Swords150 gp1d619-20/x220 ft.7 lb.slashing

Battle-sickle: Another weapon of githyanki design, the battle-sickle resembles an enlarged agricultural sickle with a longer, heavier blade that is sharpened along both edges. It has developed from a githyanki torture instrument, and can inflict some grievous wounds.

Crossbow, Githyanki Triple: The githyanki triple crossbow has been specially designed to fire three bolts at once, regardless of the wielder’s number of attacks. These bolts can, thanks to a special mechanism, all be fired at either a single target or up to three different targets within a cone area within the triple crossbow’s first range increment. An attack roll is made for each bolt. Reloading the githyanki triple crossbow is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Hand-Scythe: The hand-scythe consists of a simple glove with a heavy blade built into the lower edge. It is used by performing a chop with the hand, and as such can be rather lethal, although the concentrated weight can make the weapon unwieldy. When worn by a monk, the hand-scythe simply allows the character to inflict slashing damage with an unarmed attack. [Alternatively, the DM could rule that the hand-scythe counts as a special monk weapon. This designation would then give a monk wielding a hand-scythe special options.--the Editor]

Jal’Tek: Some githzerai have developed an interest in the use of polearms, seeing the advantage of reach in melee combat. However, such weapons are limited insofar as they are traditionally used in ranks to attack enemies who are directly in front of the wielder. The jal’tek is roughly ten feet long, and is double-bladed, combining the advantages of reach and a double weapon. It has the blade of a glaive at one end, but is counter-balanced by the blade of a short sword at the other, allowing quick reactions and maneuvres. You can strike opponents 10 feet away with it, but cannot use it to strike an adjacent foe.

Throwing Swords: The throwing swords consist of three oddly-shaped sword-blades mounted on an elaborate hilt. Completely useless as a melee weapon, the throwing swords have three release catches built into the hand-guard, and a wheel set on the end of the pommel. This wheel, when twisted, winds the coiled springs that allow the blades to be released at high velocity. The wielder may make up to three attacks with the throwing swords, although this figure is limited by the amount of attacks per round that she can make. A 6th-level fighter, for example, may only fire two of the blades per round. If one of the throwing swords misses its target, the sword flies around to return to the wielder. A successful Dexterity check (DC 15) can be made to return each blade to the hilt. Catching the blades and rewinding the springs is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.


As with the other articles in the series "A Planewalker's Guide to the Gith Races," this article a collaborative work submitted to the Rrakkma managerial staff by a group at the Pits of Evil forums. The main page of this article series has more complete Credits.

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