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FlipcityBoy, I tell you, living here is SO much fun! I'm here since more than a millennium, and I don't even have an idea why I've been surviving so long. I do have mephit blood in my veins, but somehow I don't believe that's it.You say you never heard of Flipcity? Boy! It's probably the most spectacular place to live in all the planes. It rests on the gargantuan lower left leg bone of a demigod. People say the god is still alive, and if he ever dies or tries to get back his bone, the place is in trouble. I say, things will be just SO much more spectacular then.The whole place looks like... well, it doesn't really look like anything. Or rather, like everything. Flipcity moves through the planes - noone has an idea how it works, or when the next move is on. Sometimes it's only a matter of seconds, sometimes we stay at a place for months. I heard of a time when the city stayed for a whole decade in Pandemonium. People still speak of it as the Windy Times.It can appear everywhere, on an ocean, mountain or desert, or even crashing down on another city. There's even rumours the whole place has been wiped clean of life a few times when it flipped into places just a bit too spectacular.Everytime we stay somewhere, people come here. They're drawn here like baatezu to a Blood War battle, setting up a kip for themselves, or taking it from someone else. There's always attempts of bringing peace and order into Flipcity. It works for short times occasionally, but imagine: We stay in Baator or Mt. Celestia for a while, and suddenly we end up in Arborea, Limbo or the Abyss for a few months. No chance for the order to survive.Good thing is, you never know what to expect from the next day, or if there ARE days where you wake up next. You don't even know who your neighbours are tomorrow. I love it, I tell you.Not to forget the Effects. It's how people here call the influence of the divine energies on the residents. It always starts with a disease, but that's more like a test: If you manage to get rid of it, the powers start to grow. You learn to tap into the divine energies, and creating special abilities or even transforming you into a whole new being. There's a pit fiend living three houses left of my place, who's been a light-hearted half-elf bard when he came here. He's now all evil and stuff, but he seems happy with it. Funny thing to know a pit fiend that's no older than thirty years.Oh, yes, one thing is a constant in town: Blarath the Lich. The old rotten mage doesn't live here, but he visits Flipcity since anyone remembers, and many of the rumours of the city's past probably come from him. Quite a friendly guy, really, though he's not friendly out of friendliness. He's observing, studying, probably trying to use the divine energies to become a god himself. It's just my interpretation, but it's almost always that reason, isn't it? But then... you never know.Anyway, Blarath comes here to trade, explore and study, and he's here about half of the time. His fortress is said to be floating somewhere in the Negative, and he's waiting for Flipcity to get there so he can make even more experiments.How I know this? Divination. As I told you, people develop certain powers here. One of mine is... knowing things. So, now that you've decided coming here, which house are you gonna take as yours? Make sure you don't try killing someone too powerful for you...

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