More Belief

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More Belief: Dustmen, Free League, Transcendent Order

Back when I ran Planescape with my new Belief system, my players with "minor factions wanted more out of their beliefs! So, I expanded their factions, giving them major versions to round them out. These have also been adjusted with playtest and player feedback, and update and replace the previous versions of these factions.

These rules are based on the Belief alternate faction system, which utilizes the Bloodline rules from Unearthed Arcana, and are an expansion to the aforementioned factions.

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"Major" Factions


Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
1st - - +2 on Knowledge (religion) checks
2nd - +2 on Knowledge (religion) checks Dead Truce
3rd - - Intelligence +1
4th +2 on Knowledge (religion) checks Dead Truce* Deathwatch 1/day
5th - - Dead Affinity +2
6th - Intelligence +1 +2 on saves against Necromancy effects
7th - - +2 on Heal checks
8th Dead Truce* Deathwatch 1/day Rebuke Undead
9th - - Wisdom +1
10th - Dead Affinity +2 Negative Energy Ward
11th - - Dead Affinity +4
12th Intelligence +1 +2 on saves against Necromancy effects Corpsefriend
13th - - +2 on Diplomacy checks
14th - +2 on Heal checks Iron Will
15th - - Charisma +1
16th Deathwatch 1/day Rebuke Undead Create Undead 1/day
17th - - Dead Affinity +6
18th - Wisdom +1 Toughness
19th - - +2 on Intimidation checks
20th Dead Affinity +2 Negative Energy Ward Negative Energy Immunity

Dead Truce (Su): Dustmen will not be attacked by undead, due to an age-old pact known as the Dead Truce. Any undead creature attacked by a Dustman, however, is freed from the truce concerning that particular Dustman. The same is true if a Dustman actively aids somebody attacking an undead creature. The undead may attack the dustman's companions normally - just not the Dustman.

Dead Affinity: The Dustman gains the listed bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidation, and Perform checks made to interact with fellow Dustmen.

Rebuke Undead (Su): The Dustman may Rebuke Undead as a cleric of 1/2 his character level. If he already has the Rebuke Undead ability (due to the Cleric class or otherwise), he may add +2 to his turning checks, and may use 1/2 his character level or his Cleric level for purposes of turning, whichever is higher.

Negative Energy Ward (Su): The Dustman gains a Negative Energy Resistance of 10, and gains +2 on saves against spells or effects involving negative energy. He may relinquish or resume this protection as a free action.

Corpsefriend: If an undead is about to attack the Dustman, the Dustman may make a Charisma check (DC 20). If this check succeeds, the undead may not attack that Dustman for 24 hours.

Negative Energy Immunity (Su): The Dustman is now immune to all attacks involving negative energy, including level drain, and may survive without harm in the negative energy plane. He may relinquish or resume this protection as a free action.Free League
Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
1st - - +2 on Gather Information checks
2nd - +2 on Gather Information checks Iron Will
3rd - - Wisdom +1
4th +2 on Gather Information checks Iron Will Free Will 1/day*
5th - - Indep Affinity +2
6th - Wisdom +1 Bardic Knowledge
7th - - +2 on Sense Motive checks
8th Iron Will Free Will 1/day Free Will 2/day
9th - - Charisma +1
10th - Indep Affinity +2 +2 on saves against Enchantments
11th - - Indep Affinity +4
12th Wisdom +1 Bardic Knowledge Free Will 3/day
13th - - +2 on Escape Artist checks
14th - +2 on Sense Motive checks Lightning Reflexes
15th - - Dexterity +1
16th Free Will 1/day Free Will 2/day Free Will 4/day
17th - - Indep Affinity +6
18th - Charisma +1 +10 feet to base land speed.
19th - - +2 to Diplomacy checks
20th Indep Affinity +2 +2 on saves against Enchantments Immunity to Enchantment effects

Indep Affinity: The Indep gains the listed bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidation, and Perform checks made to interact with fellow members of the Free League.

Free Will: The Indep may reroll any Will save an indicated number of times per day after seeing the roll of the Will save (but before he sees the result). The Indep may not reroll more than once a roll, but may take the better of the two rolls.

Transcendent Order

Character Level Minor Intermediate Major
1st - - +2 on Concentration checks
2nd - +2 on Concentration checks Improved Initiative
3rd - - Dexterity +1
4th +2 on Concentration checks Improved Initiative Trance 1/day
5th - - Cipher Affinity +2
6th - Dexterity +1 +2 on saves against mind-affecting effects
7th - - +2 on Jump checks
8th Improved Initiative Trance* Trance 2/day*
9th - - Wisdom +1
10th - Cipher Affinity +2 Improved Trance
11th - - Cipher Affinity +4
12th Dexterity +1 +2 on saves against mind-affecting effects Trance 3/day
13th - - +2 on Diplomacy checks
14th - +2 on Jump checks Athletic
15th - - Charisma +1
16th Trance* Trance 2/day Trance 4/day
17th - - Cipher Affinity +6
18th - Wisdom +1 Instant Trance
19th - - +2 on Listen checks
20th Cipher Affinity +2 Improved Trance Greater Trance

Cipher Affinity: The Indep gains the listed bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidation, and Perform checks made to interact with fellow members of the Free League.

Trance: The Cipher may enter a trance the indicated number of times per day as a free action. The Cipher gains +4 to Dexterity for the duration of the trance, but may not delay or use the ready action. The trance lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the Cipher's Wisdom modifier. The Cipher may not activate a trance state while in a rage, ki frenzy, berserk, or similiar state and vice versa. When a trance ends, the Cipher is dazed for the following round.

Improved Trance: As for trance, but you also gain +4 Wisdom and +4 Charisma while in the trance state. Note this increases the duration of the trance state.

Instant Trance: The Cipher may now activate a trance state upon rolling initiative.

Greater Trance: As for improved trance, but the bonus is now +6 rather than +4. Note this increases the duration of the trance state.

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