A Wedding in Sigil: Part 3

The Great Hippo's picture

There was a fairly unpleasant place known as Baator. It was so unpleasant that they had to divide it up into 9 layers just so that it would be big enough to hold all that unpleasantness.Upon one of the many layers of Baator, there was a charred and twisted tree that bore only the most vile of fruit. From this fruit one could pluck small, blackened seeds, and if one knew where to plant them, they could grow into wretched things.6 charred seeds clattered down into the chest that held a King's ransom worth of artifacts, relics, and enchanted weaponry.Magic proved to be quite the fertile soil.


With great reverence and care, Cordelia perched the flower behind her ear. It was a daffodil - Jacob's favorite. Humming, she turned to the door."You look absolutely lovely, my dear. Positively exquisite."A tall, handsome man with a curious smile and a slick white suit was smiling behind her, oeaning cleverly upon his cane."Who are you? One of Jacob's guests?" Cordelia asked as politely as she could manage, frowning. Her question was answered a moment later when she caught a whiff of his scent - this was a fiend. "One of dad's?""Something like that," Morticus preened, twirling his cane like a baton. "A friend of your father's, you could say. Just came to see the bride before she's swept off to marry the handsome hero."Cordelia smiled. "Well, thank you. I've got to go, though. Ceremony starts in fifteen minutes.""Of course, of course," Morticus nodded knowingly. "Best not keep your groom waiting! You're quite a lucky girl, finding him," He added as she reached for the knob. "Someone who's willing to accept your... condition."Her fingers paused, resting on cool brass. "...condition?" She asked, sending a glance over her shoulder back at the baatezu. He was busily inspecting the array of perfumes atop of her dresser, giving each a delicate sniff."Oh, you know what I mean," Morticus quickly explained himself away, waving his hand. "The whole demonic thing. I'm surprised a paladin like him is all right with it, considering it's only going to get worse."Cordelia's eyebrow shot up. The girl turned completely away from the door, facing the baatezu. "...worse?"Morticus blinked, faking surprise with a fetching sort of sincerity. "You mean..." His hand fluttered to his chest, as if to capture his beating heart. "Your father... didn't tell you? Oh, no. I hope I haven't over-stepped my bounds..." He immediately cast his gaze away, pacing towards the side.Cordelia quickly followed, moving to step besides the baatezu. "What are you talking about?""Perhaps," Morticus began, shaking his finger towards the ceiling. "Perhaps he didn't know. Yes, that's possible. Your father isn't exactly an expert in matters such as the physiology of tieflings..."Cordelia was starting to get irate. Friend of her father or not, she didn't like where this was going. "What are you getting at?""Your changes, my dear," Morticus explained with a soft, dulcet lilt. "Why, haven't you noticed...?" His finger slithered upwards to catch her chin in a delicate stroke. Cordelia quickly stepped back, almost slapping the hand away."Changes? What changes?!" She snapped.Morticus' hand retreated, the baatezu pouting. "Tieflings born of tanar'ri blood are different than baatezu blood. It's not commonly known, but tanar'ri-born tieflings... They never stop evolving. Over time, they grow more and more fiendish, until..."Cordelia stared numbly at Morticus. The man's voice was slow to work, but washed across her like a wave of icy terror. There was something unsettlingly persuasive about the man - as if every word that dripped from his lips rang with truth. "...evolving?"Pressing his advantage, Morticus stepped closer, smiling. "Yes. Only small, at first - the scales, the eyes, the nails - they're just the beginning. You're still young, but soon you'll start to feel other changes... Your fangs will become tusks, your nails claws, your eyes flaming coals... Your breath will be like flame. Spikes shall sprout from your back, horns from your head..."Cordelia suddenly felt intensely small and helpless, shrinking back from Morticus with a fear she could taste. "H... horns...?" She hoarsely croaked, eyes as wide as saucers."Why... I think... I think I see some growing now!" Morticus cried, relishing in her fear - savoring each quivering moment of vulnerability. "My goodness! At least your husband-to-be is aware of your condition, yes...? Or... Oh, dear," Morticus blanched. "Does he not know?""I... I mean... no one ever told me..." Cordelia stuttered, her voice uncharacteristically meek and tiny."Thankfully, there's a way to reverse the process," Morticus purred, dangling a bit of hope to the absolutely terrified girl."H... how?!" Cordelia almost choked, pressed back against the far wall. Greedily, Morticus leaned forward, barely able to restrain himself - the taste of her horror, her weakness, it was absolutely intoxicating. He wanted to swallow her whole. "A jewel, my dear. A small pittance - a meager thing. But I've heard that your groom-to-be has it in his possession... A jewel that once belonged to a mage.""S-s-sinistratus?" Cordelia stuttered. "Y-yes... H-h-he has it...""You must get it. When used correctly, it can purify the soul - tear from you the very fiber of your fiendish heritage, and turn you into a pure and virtuous maiden, untroubled by such matters as your father's inheritance," Morticus rumbled, drawing a fingertip down her cheek. The girl flinched, as if struck a physical blow; Morticus licked his lips. "Bring it to me, girl, and I can help you. You want to be normal, yes? Just another girl like everyone else?""Y-y-yes," Cordelia swallowed. "I... Jacob... he wouldn't... wouldn't give it to me, before... He...""Because he doesn't trust you, obviously," Morticus smiled. "You'll have to steal it. Find it, Cordelia. Find it before... Oh, oh dear... I think I see... your eyes, they're turning a bright crimson! Quickly, girl! Go!" Stepping aside, Morticus barely contained his delight as Cordelia stumbled, rushing forward on her hands and knees for the back entrance.Once the girl had exited, he reached for a glass of sherry that had carelessly been left on a dresser, plucking it up to sip and savor."Oh, how I adore my job."


"Now, I am not saying that chastity is a useless virtue," Draken explained, glass in hand. "Only that I have never met a virgin that I could not convince otherwise."The group of aasimar brides all giggled in unison, several of them ducking their heads down under their hands to hide the prominent rise of a blush."Y'see that, boss?!" Pug snorted. "He's movin' in on our dames! We need to get Closure!""Let's get Closure, get Closure!" Jimmy two-times chattered."Boys! This is a right dignified party," Charlie sniffed, puffing away steadily on his cigar. "Ain't no need for us to get Closure. Not now, anyway," He growled, eyeing Draken's continued flirting with his one good eye."I think I see Draken over there. Maybe we should back, where there are less people," Jeremiah began hopefully, shivering as Amelia lead him through the throngs of wedding guests."Nonsense!" Amelia cried. "I want you to meet my husband, Theodore. Theodore? Oh, there you are..."The mustached paladin was looking especially grim. He only cheered up marginally at the sight of Amelia, and quickly became irritable again at the sight of Jeremiah."Oh, him," Theodore muttered."Hello," Jeremiah shyly smiled."You've met?" Amelia asked, blinking between the two."At the engagement party. He's the one who said Brimsnout was eating the guests."Amelia stared at Jeremiah, who only shrugged. "Well, at the time it seemed funny..."GREETINGS, PALE-FACED FLESHLING. HAVE YOU PERCHANCE SEEN MY LOVELY WIFE?Moloch the Grave stared up at the paper-bag wearing Tanar'ri Lord, holding the glass of punch in his hand. "Uuuuhh..." He moaned.I TAKE YOUR GROAN OF AGONY AS AN INTENDED NEGATIVE RESPONSE. PERHAPS, THEN, YOU HAVE SEEN MY DAUGHTER. SHE IS BRONZE-SKINNED AND WEARING WHITE."Oooohhnnn..."I SEE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR AID IN THIS MATTER, MOANING-ONE."Excuse me," Jacob's voice suddenly rose up over the throng of party-goers as he stepped out of Cordelia's empty room. "But has anyone seen Cordelia?!"The entire room suddenly went silent. Several dozen eyes locked upon the young paladin, who shifted uncomfortably beneath the sudden attention."What I mean to say, is, er," Jacob stammered, pushing his glasses back atop of his nose, "I can't seem to find her."


Bartleby was only now recovering from what he assumed was some sort of black-out. Exactly what had happened - and what had prompted him to let that white-suited devil through into the church - was unclear. But he was most certainly going to show him the way out.That's about the time he heard something rustling from inside the Weapons Check chest."What now?" Bartleby moaned, standing up to inspect the contents. He certainly hoped it wasn't that Draken fellow's idols, as he had absolutely no interest in having to deal with a pair of-Bartleby's scream was cut off by the distinct sound of bones crunching and flesh tearing.

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