More Faction Feats: Harmonium

Nemui's picture

Chapter IV of the Planescape Campaign Setting presents 9 faction feats for each faction. The number nine being 3 times 3, it's in accord with the Rule of Threes, but there's still room for improvement. What's better than 3 x 3, you ask? Well, for starters, 3 x 3 x 3, or three to the third degree.

Chapter IV of the Planescape Campaign Setting presents 9 faction feats for each faction. The number nine being 3 times 3, it's in accord with the Rule of Threes, but there's still room for improvement. What's better than 3 x 3, you ask? Well, for starters, 3 x 3 x 3, or three to the third degree.

Here are nine new feats for the Harmonium. This is the sixth set out of sixteen planned (one per faction) - the Bleaker, Cipher, Doomguard, Dustmen, and Fated feats were posted earlier.

Hardhead-buttInacapacitate grappled suspect quickly
Harmonic CoverCover an ally with missile fire
Harmonic Headringing Stunning mastery of mace dual-wielding.
Harmonize Spell Spells have greater effect on chaotic or evil outsiders
Head-Clearing Voice Dispel mind-controlling magic by voice
Path to PerfectionSense a future, and set course of action accordingly
Shades of OrthoDreams haunted by restless spirits
Shades of Ortho, Improved Dreams haunted more persistently by restless spirits
Take it Like a Golem One with your armor, soak dangerous blows easily

Hardhead-butt [General] Omnipresent in the streets of Sigil, the Harmonium have developed a technique that allows them to incapacitate minor criminals quickly and almost bloodlessly. Faction: Harmonium.Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack, grapple check bonus +6. Benefit: While grappling, you can attempt a special head-butt attack that deals 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage (plus Strength modifier), and can stun the foe. If you successfully deal damage, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or be stunned for 1 round. If the attack is a critical hit, a creature failing the save is rendered unconscious for 1d6 rounds instead. The first time you use this attack against an opponent, it is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, but against any subsequent head-butts made in the same encounter, it retains the bonus. Special: If you do not have your helmet on when making the head-butt attack, you nead to have your head examined; the damage dealt is nonlethal, and you suffer an equal amount (though you can't be stunned).

Harmonic Cover [General] Harmonium on patrol learn to efficiently cover their partner's back with missile fire. Faction: Harmonium.Prerequisite: Joint Operation, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot. Benefit: While armed with a ranged weapon, you can designate a single ally and ready an action to fire at any creature within 30 feet of him that triggers any of the following conditions: draws a weapon after the ally has clearly introduced your party as the Harmonium; moves away from the ally more than 5 feet after it has been ordered to stop; attacks the ally or casts a spell at him; summons another creature magically.Normal: When you ready an action normally, you can specify only a single condition that triggers it. Note: Most of these conditions are covered in some way in what passes for Sigilian legislative code, and will usually clear you of any accusations for "irresponsible crossbow handling" or similar ditchwash.

Harmonic Head-ringing [Style*] It is said that Harmonium weaponmasters specializing in bludgeoning weapons can spread the word of Harmony by a few blows to the head better than any diplomat can using pretty words. Indeed, the newly enlightened sometimes stand dazed with revelation for a while... Faction: Harmonium. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +8, Str 13, Cleave, Improved Critical (club, heavy mace, light mace, morningstar, or warhammer), Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (club, heavy mace, light mace, morningstar, or warhammer). Benefit: If you hit the same creature with both maces in the same round, you gain an additional attack that you deliver with both maces at the same time, dealing the base damage for both weapons plus 1.5 times your Strength modifier. If you use your Power Attack feat on this head-ringing attack, you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC until your next turn, but the attack is automatically considered a critical threat, and has a chance of stunning the target. If the critical is confirmed, the damage from both maces is doubled, and the target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Strength modifier) or be stunned for 1 round. Note: The text above refers to a mace, but any combination of the weapons listed under the prerequisites can be used, as long as you have Weapon Focus with both weapons. * see Complete Warrior for more information on Style feats.

Harmonize Spell [Metamagic, Faction-Dependent] You can weave pure idealism into spells, causing them to heave a greater effect on those who directly oppose your beliefs. Faction: Harmonium. Prerequisite: Any non-chaotic, non-evil alignment. Benefit: Spells only benefit from this metamagic when cast at creatures of chaotic or evil subtype. When you cast a harmonized spell, you gain a +4 bonus on caster level checks to penetrate the spell resistance of such creatures, and the DC of the spell is increased by +1 for such creatures. A harmonized spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.

Head-Clearing Voice [General, Faction-Dependent] You are trained to dismiss mass confusion, panic, or rage using only your voice. Faction: Harmonium.Prerequisite: Cha 13, Authority, Iron Will. Benefit: Once per day, you can produce a a spell-like effect resembling dispel magic, except it is delivered by voice only (no somatic component required), and it can dispel only mind-affecting effects. Also, you always create an area dispel, a 20-ft. burst centered on you; you cannot create a targeted dispel. Caster level equals your character level. Special: You could use this feat in conjunction with your command spell-like ability (from the Authority feat), but it takes a full-round action to deliver them together. If you do so, your command is not affected by your dispel effect.

Path to Perfection [General, Faction-Dependent] You can meditate to gain intuitive visions of the ideal future, the Multiversal Harmony, and sense a few steps on the long way toward it. Faction: Harmonium. Prerequisite: Cha 11, Concentration 2 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 2 ranks. Benefit: Three times per day, by centering yourself through one minute of uninterrupted concentration, you can use augury as a spell-like ability. Caster level equals your character level. Unlike the spell, this ability tells you whether a particular action will bring good or bad results for the Cause of your faction in the distant future; this outcome may or may not coincide with the events of your immediate future. Essentially, augury informs you if an action is the Right Thing to Do, not if it can bring personal benefit.

Shades of Ortho [General, Faction-Dependent] Centuries ago, the Harmonium has purged the world of Ortho from non-harmonic elements, but their methods were questionable to say the least. Even today, voices of restless souls trouble some members from beyond. Faction: Harmonium. Prerequisite: Any non-evil alignment. Benefit: Mournful apparations haunt your dreams. They accuse you and "your kind" for destroying them, and pray for vengeance. There is a 50% chance that your rest does not remedy fatigue or exhaustion. However, these vile attacks have only strengthened your dedication to the Cause - you are now certain that all such malevolent beings must be eradicated, and could never be incorporated into Harmony. You gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against chaotic or evil creatures, and on caster level checks to penetrate their spell resistance (if any). Normal: Resting for 8 hours normally frees you of fatigue, and one hour of rest normally reduces exhaustion to fatigue. Note: It is not necessary for a character to have been involved in the genocide on Ortho in any way, or even to have any knowledge of the event. As long as he shares the ideals of the Harmonium, he can be haunted by the shades. The dream hauntings are never clear enough to provide exact details of the events that took place on Ortho.

Shades of Ortho, Improved [General, Faction-Dependent] The presence that haunts your dreams grows stronger, but so does your conviction. Faction: Harmonium. Prerequisite: Shades of Ortho, any non-evil alignment. Benefit: The shades still visit you when you sleep, and their accusations grow more hateful every night. You respond in kind, and still cling to the Cause desperately. You gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against incorporeal undead, and every weapon you wield is treated as a ghost touch weapon.

Take it Like a Golem [General] Experienced Harmonium are said to grow into their armor, gaining a high degree of protection. Faction: Harmonium. Prerequisite: Con 17, Endurance, Diehard. Benefit: Any suit of heavy armor that you wear functions like armor of moderate fortification. In other words, while you are in heavy armor there is a 75% chance that a critical hit or sneak attack against you is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Do you mind terribly if I consider ...

'Clueless' wrote:
Do you mind terribly if I consider these yoinked for purposes of the Ortho writeup?

Not at all. I meant to ask you people on the Ortho topics (which I'll stay away from until you're done) about some of these feats, but I figured you'll read them eventually anyway.

And Sarah, I know this isn't the right place but ... with this article my entry total went down from 50 to 48 ... and I can't help but notice that you have a grand total of -10 entries. What's with the deduction?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Do you mind terribly if I consider ...

My math is screwed up in the code somplace - I need to fix it but well - my eyes have been crossing whenever I look at code lately. I'll get it sorted out soon here though.

BTW - Ortho is looking for contributors help etc... it's not like we're turning away ideas here! *tries to round up another potential writer...* Eye-wink One day I'll just implement an 'ear tag' system to track everyone. Smiling

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Do you mind terribly if I consider ...

'Clueless' wrote:
BTW - Ortho is looking for contributors help etc... it's not like we're turning away ideas here! *tries to round up another potential writer...*

I try to stay away from additional creative projects, since I've got more than I can handle already scheduled... but I'm looking forward to reading what you come up with in the end.

Now let's get back to how much my faction feats rule Eye-wink
*summons a certain Cipher factol*

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Do you mind terribly if I consider ...

Do you mind terribly if I consider these yoinked for purposes of the Ortho writeup?

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