Time pinch

Fidrikon's picture
Time pinch Abjuration (Chronomancy)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Time: 1 standard action
Target: You
Range: Personal
Area: -
Effect: -
Duration: Concentration; see text
Save: -
Spell Resistance: No

By slowing down your own personal connection to time, you can temporaraly suspend the effects of all curses, diseases, or poisons. As long as you maintain concentration, no curse, disease, or poison that you're afflicted with progresses further: you do not suffer additional ability damage or any other harmful effects of the condition. Effects already suffered remain in place as normal.When the spell ends, all curses, diseases, and poisons resume their normal duration from the point in time when time pinch was cast. (The suspended duration does not suddenly catch up with you.)

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