Contagious Mist

Bane's picture
Contagious Mist Necromancy
Level: Disease 6
Components: V,S
Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100ft+10ft/caster level)
Area: 20 feet cube
Effect: Mist that spreads to fill a 20 feet cube
Duration: 10 minutes/+2d6 rounds(see text)
Save: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Contagious mist produces a heavy, dense mist that weakens the body's resistances and defensive systems of those caught within it. Creatures in the mind fog suffer a -10 competence penalty to all Fortitude saves and Constitution checks. (A creature who succeeds at its saving throw is not affected, but must make another save for each minute it spends in the mist). Affected creatures suffer the penalty as long as they remain in the mist and for 2d6 rounds thereafter. The mist itself is stationary and disperses in 10 minutes, or until dispersed by wind. This spell also renders ineffective all extraordinary and supernatural immunities to disease and poison on a failed save, but doesn't make creatures without metabolism vulnerable to them. Creatures without constitution scores are immune to this spell.
Bane's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Contagious Mist

Why, thank you Smiling

oldguv's picture
Joined: 2005-06-23
Contagious Mist

cloud kill for the non HD challanged, not really kill though, this is a cool spell very nice! drop and roll on the ground for 10 minutes, its ok since no one can hit you since there on the ground also, and its a mist so you get concelment and your on the ground for some cover too, no chance to be an arrow cushion. It does set you up nice for my fireball with no reflex st or counterspell. also great incompacitator while we advance on you spell.

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