
Bane's picture
Snatch Conjuration (Teleportation)
Level: Thievery 8
Components: S
Time: 1 full round
Target: 1 object of small or smaller size
Range: Long (400 feet+40 feet / level)
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Will Negates (Magical object)
Spell Resistance: Yes

Snatch causes an item in the possesion of another creature to come into your eager hands. Upon casting the spell, you select your target and name the object you want to posses. If the creature has more than one items which match the item you requested, one is randomly selected. You may ask for an object even if you aren't sure if the creature has one, for example you could ask for a creature's pouch. In that case, if the creature doesn't posses such an object, the spell is wasted.

You may not cast this spell to request an item which the target is holding or wearing. Non magical items get no saving throw, while magical items get a Will save to resist being teleported.

For a creature to note that the item is missing, it needs to succeed on a wisdom check vs a DC of 10 + the objects size modifier to AC + their wisdom modifier - or attempt to use the item and discover that it is missing.

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