Blade Shower

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Blade Shower Conjuration
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material
Time: 1 action
Target: One or more creatures
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels)
Effect: 1 or more daggers
Duration: 3 rounds
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No

 The blade shower spell isespecially useful to those who know how to use daggers in combat - and whatspellcaster doesn’t? The spell conjures up a number of daggers that hover inmid-air until fired at their targets. One dagger per level, up to a maximum ofeight daggers is conjured. They must all be fired within three rounds of theirconjuration; any daggers remaining after that time are lost. The daggers can beconsidered a normal ranged attack, albeit without the usual range incrementpenalties. A separate attack roll must be made for each dagger, although nopenalties for multiple attacks are made. The Dexterity bonus for ranged attacksand any relevant bonuses for Weapon Focus or Point-Blank Shot are applied.Furthermore, if the daggers are fired into a melee, then the relevant rulesmust also be consulted.

Eachdagger is made of steel and is as such perfectly normal and nonmagical.However, spells such as magic weapon can be cast to add enhancementbonuses or increased threat ranges or even change the daggers into a differentkind of metal. All of the daggers may be fired within one round, and the onlylimit to the number of targets is the number of daggers conjured by the spell.

 Any daggers drop to the groundif they travel outside the range of the spell, and all the daggers may bepicked up and used after they have been fired. They all disappear after thespell expires, however.               Arcane material component: a dagger.

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