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Lightbolt Evocation (Light)
Level: Light 5
Components: V, S
Time: 1 action
Range: medium (100ft + 10ft/caster level)
Effect: One ray/2caster levels (maximum 7)
Duration: Instantaneous (See Text)
Save: None or Fortitude Negates (See Text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

You unleash beams of light from your open palm. You must make a ranged touch attack to hit your target. You can hurl one lightbolt for every 2 caster levels (maximum 7).

The spell can launch bolts in one of two ways: you can choose to hurl all bolts at once, or you can hurl one bolt per round as a free action starting on the round you cast the spell in. If you hurl all the bolts at once, all your targets must be within 60 feet of each other. If you choose to hurl bolts once per round, you do not have to hurl a bolt every round, but if you do not use the bolt you were entitled to in that round, it is lost.

A lightbolt blinds a creature for 1d6 rounds, unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save. Undead aren't blinded, but receive 2d8 points of damage. A living creature struck blind by multiple lightbolts on the same round does not remain blind for any longer, but it does have to save for each bolt.

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