More Expert Experts

Anarch's picture

Here are the tweaks to the Expert NPC class found in the DMG:

  • The expert must first pick a sphere of expertise. This needs to be defined narrowly enough to be meaningful; thus one cannot be an expert in "tricks" in general, but one can be an expert in "stage magic" or "animal tricks" or whatever.
  • The expert then designates 10 skills to be class skills.  Of these 10 skills, 3 are specially designated "core class skills".  These 3 skills must directly relate to the expert's sphere of expertise.  A "stage magic" expert, for example, might take Sleight of Hand, Bluff and Spot to be her core class skills.
  • The expert adds her class level to any skill check involving the 3 core skills.
  • At 1st level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the expert gets a bonus feat that directly pertains to her sphere of expertise.  Typical examples include the obvious "Skill Focus" feats; our "stage magic" expert could also take "Persuasive" or something similar.  Feel free, at DM's discretion, to take weakened versions of class feats if they fall within the sphere of expertise; an expert in "animal tricks" might have an animal familiar as a druid of half level, say, or an expert in "history" might get the equivalent of bardic knowledge on any check involving the area of history in which they are an expert.
  • A character may, upon levelling, choose to gain another sphere of expertise.  Treat this as a separate class for all effects, including the core skill check bonus which does not stack.  Thus a Expert 3 (stage magic)/Expert 2 (salesman) would be a level 5 character with all that that entailed; but if he had taken Bluff as a core skill in both Experts, his class bonus would be +3, not +5.
  • Other than that, the Expert class is as written in the DMG.

Why: As written, the Expert class doesn't produce genuine experts in the field.  An Expert NPC will, in fact, often be comparable to an ordinary (i.e. non-expert) PC of equivalent level, thus rendering the whole concept of "expertise" somewhat vacuous.  With this, Experts will truly be expert, with a mastery that no other class can possibly match -- just as it should be.

Pro: Obvious, really.  One additional aim is to make a couple of levels of Expert an enticing option for a PC as well.  To do that, the sacrifice of a few levels ought to come with some kind of reward, which I'd like to think this Expert class does quite well.

Con: The one thing I haven't playtested is the addition of the bonus feats. If that makes Experts too powerful, I'd recommend axing the bonus feats but retaining the ability to pillage from class feats (or just be flexible in making stuff up).  Personally, I like this the way it is, but YMMV.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
More Expert Experts

My main balance concern isn't the bonus feats, but the expert's ability to add her full class level to any skill check involving core skills. This isn't a problem for a low-level expert, or a PC who dips two or three expert levels, but beyond about Level 5 this starts to provide absurd bonuses - an Exp12 stage magician who's got a Bluff skill check of (+15 ranks +4 Cha +5 feats +_12_ class level) = +36, frex.

I'd instead recommend limiting this bonus to the lower of class level and key attribute, similar to how the Duelist PrC gets a bonus to AC that's the lower of class level and Int bonus. Other than that, this is probably a decent enough power boost for an Expert, assuming you think one is needed.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
More Expert Experts

'eldersphinx' wrote:
beyond about Level 5 this starts to provide absurd bonuses - an Exp12 stage magician who's got a Bluff skill check of (+15 ranks +4 Cha +5 feats +_12_ class level) = +36, frex.

So what? An Exp 12 can do pretty much nothing else except make a good skill check, so I wouldn't worry about it, unless you have custom-made skills (which I do, but then again I won't be using the HR). The only abusable skill I can think of is Diplomacy, easily improving attitudes of everyone and everything, but if a PC wants to be able to do just that and nothing else, I say let him have it.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
More Expert Experts

'Nemui' wrote:
So what? An Exp 12 can do pretty much nothing else except make a good skill check, so I wouldn't worry about it...if a PC wants to be able to do just that and nothing else, I say let him have it.

Which is sort of the point about being an Expert, IMO: you're sacrificing your ability to do, well, anything else in return for getting really good at one thing. I mean, think of the experience you have to accumulate to get to level 12; now think of only ever doing that one particular thing for all those thousands and thousands and thousands of XP...

[Which is, incidentally, why I think a level 20 Commoner is ridiculously stupid -- what, the farmer's been running around slaying pit fiends? -- but the notion of a level 20 Expert is not completely far-fetched. Says the grad student.]

Nevertheless, if the core class power is broken at higher levels -- where, I confess, I didn't actually playtest all that closely -- how about this for a fix?

* An Expert gets an additional bonus of either her class level or her ability modifier, whichever is lower, on any skill check involving her core skills.
* An Expert gets an expertise-related feat at 1st level and every 4 levels thereafter, as above.
* Instead of choosing an expertise-related feat, the Expert may choose Feat: Expertise which adds a +2 to all core skill checks for that Expert class. This feat may be taken multiple times, and its effects stack.

Does that sound more reasonable?

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
More Expert Experts

As written, the Expert class doesn't produce genuine experts in the field. An Expert NPC will, in fact, often be comparable to an ordinary (i.e. non-expert) PC of equivalent level, thus rendering the whole concept of "expertise" somewhat vacuous.

Well, the Expert is only an expert when compared to commoners and warriors, particularly low-level ones. As always, PCs are special cases, and comparing an Expert to a Rogue isn't really fair.

Your bonus feats probably shouldn't be a balance issue, since the NPC classes are already severely underpowered compared to PC classes. An NPC with 3 extra ranks in Craft (leatherworking) doesn't need a CR increase.

IMO, the RAW Expert works fine for an NPC craftsman (Craft), performer (Perform), or sage (Knowledge).

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