Memories for Sale

Krypter's picture

The Sensates are not only explorers and hedonists of the highest caliber, but also purveyors of the finest experiences, pleasures and pains. The memory stones of the Civic Festhall are only one of the means available for witnessing other people’s experiences. In addition to partaking of the sensory stones, the aspiring sensate can also purchase distilled dreams, emotions, events, memories and visions. The trade in memory stones, mementos and distilled essences of this kind is strictly regulated and controlled by the Society of Sensation, although a few Prolongers and Incantifiers have also stumbled on these secrets and fuel a growing black market for such goods. Below as some basic price guidelines when dealing in memoria (also known as mementos).

Minute1 spA bariaur scratching his rump, Getting a bit of pepper in your eye
Minor1 gpA duck confit dinner, Howling at the moon, Choking on an expensive cigar
Interesting1-10 gpSpriggan's first sexual experience, Wearing a king's crown, Arm smashed by a silver mace
Exotic11-50 gpCR 1-5, Hiking through the Viper Forest, Tortured by a Kyton, Poisoned to death with spider venom, Bearing a demon's child, Witnessing a historical event (Battle of Four Quarters, etc.)
Rare/Personal51-100 gpCR 6-10, Sleeping on the feathered wings of an archon, Falling in love with a rainbow, Your true love's caress, The smell of your mother, Ransacking the palace of a demon-king
Very Rare101-500 gpCR 11-20, Eating coral in the Living Sea on the Astral, Entering the Lost Spire in Pelion, Escaping from Carceri on foot
Unique500+ gpCR 20+, Meeting the overgod Ao, Slaying an avatar of Bane, Destroying a major artifact


Unique Lost Price    x2This memory is transferred to the recipient and erased from the owner’s mind. Some connoisseurs want to be the sole possessors of a rare memory and so pay extra to have it erased from the original owner’s mind. For example, the Yugoloth bone collector known as Skintight Feargus has paid many a pretty jewel to have the memory of the location of Orcus’ skullish wand be in his sole possession.

Bottled for Distribution     x2The owner of the memory agrees to the bottling and distribution of that memory on the wholesale market. Depending on the skill of the Mnemos (memory mage), up to d8 bottles of a memory can be created from a single impression.

Nostalgia Spices     x1.5Using the seeds from the very rare nostalgia plant, the memory is enhanced and improved from the original: colours arre more vivid, clothing more expensive, people in the memory are better looking/younger/nicer/smarter, the spells are more magnificent, the villains more dastardly and the dialogue far more witty and interesting. Overuse of this option can turn you into a grumpy old curmudgeon.

Sanitized      x1.1The memory is cleaned of any criminal, unsavoury, offensive, lewd or inappropriate elements, as desired by the client and/or the law.

DREAM ESSENCESThese are somewhat cheaper than real experiences because they are more fuzzy and indistinct. The unreal nature of dreams means that the memory of this experience fades much more quickly than that of a ‘solid experience’. As a consequence the memory of the dream fades away after only a few (d6) minutes, although the actual dream trance will last as per the Duration table. Dream essences come in several colours which correspond to an emotion or experience.

Blue10 gpFlying
Green5 gpBeing a tree
Red20 gpKilling someone, or drinking blood
Brown10 gpBeing an animal
Purple15 gpCasting epic spells
Pink25 gpAn erotic dream
Yellow12 gpA prophecy

DISTILLED EMOTIONSThese distillates of pure humanoid emotions can be used in a variety of ways, but their effects are temporary. The extraction process is secret and known only to the dream thaumaturgists of the Sensates and a few Wylders on the Outlands.

Blue50 gpSadness, melancholy, depression
Green80 gpJealousy, envy
Red40 gpRage (regular, not barbarian style)
Black80 gpHatred, anger
Yellow60 gpCowardice
Pink250 gpLove, sometimes just Lust
Brown20 gpEnnui, laziness
Violet70 gpShame, embarrasment
Rainbow150 gpHappiness, euphoria

DURATION MODIFIERFor dream essences and emotion distillates, multiply the price by this modifier. Memoria last the normal amount (based on INT) and do not fade unless otherwise noted.

Weak2d6 roundsmost commonx1
Strong2d6 minutes2 weak = 1 strongx2.5
Potent2d6 hours2 strong = 1 potentx5


Orstel's PigmentationWhile visiting the first ten layers of the Abyss, Orstel painted on himself on a daily basis, sometimes using regular watercolours and oils, and sometimes using his illusionary magic. The reactions of the local demons to his shenanigans are stored in a 30-bottle Collector's Edition on sale now for only 750 gp.

Memories in TriplicateUnfortunately you're not getting 3 for the price of 1 here, but rather a tortuous collection of the memories of a misplaced petitioner making his way through the byzantine bureaucracy of the Hall of Judgement on the Outlands. Each form is filled out in meticulous detail, each signature and chop-block is inked with excruciating precision, and the whole nightmarish process covers 157 uninterrupted days. The most hardcore sensates buy this fiendish memoria as a test of their commitment and stamina. [potent, 15 bottles, regular 805 gp, now only 420 gp]

Thanks to solomanii on the Wizards boards for the kernel of an idea and Talislanta for the dream essence and emotion distillates ideas.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
memories are too cheap. should be ...

memories are too cheap. should be more expensive and increase exponentially or logrithmically with each step more rare. other than that good job.

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