Letters from Baator 20: Voices of Deceit 1.1.1.

Emperor Xan's picture

Department of Humanities

Psychology/Sociology Section


For: Chief Engineer

Subject: Voices of manipulation, part 6


 No matter how much I learn about Baator, I’m still astounded by the words of these consummate politicians. In this last missive on quotes that sum up their true savvy, these parting shots show how the Nine Hells play the greatest game.


 “It’s not necessarily the game’s result that makes the game enjoyable, but the architecture of your path to victory. When even your greatest rivals must give pause to praise your work, that’s when maneuvering becomes enjoyable.”

 - Zimmimar


 “Truly, you have come far to speak to me on such a matter as this. You surely realize that obfuscation then is the chief element in any successful campaign, else how could you have found me? Truly, you are unique amongst your species. But did you notice the trap you walked into?”

 - Dispater


 “There’s no such thing as a wild card. If there were, law would be severely compromised. No, such things do not exist. But power and secrets can be held in reserve.”

 - Mysdemn Wordtwister


 “We play a thrilling, but deadly game. That’s what makes it so enjoyable. The power of life and death are in your hands. And the taste of victory is so exquisite.”

 - A gelugon

Xavierra Tempeste, Shaper 2

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