Letters from Baator 19: Chronological Divisions

Emperor Xan's picture

Department of Humanities

Psychology/Sociology Section


For: Chief Engineer

Subject: The Baatezu calendar


 The Baatezu have more than one calendar, that much I can attest to. However, they have only one calendar that they allow others to see. This calendar is what they use to base their contracts on. The Baatorian Contract Calendar (BCC) has a year comprised of nine months with nine weeks that possess nine days.

 Days are measured in three nine-hour periods for a total of twenty-seven hours in a day. The first nine hours are referred to as the Initial hours. The second set of nine hours is called the Execution hours. The last nine hours are the Completion hours of the day. Thus, the Baatorian day as measured by this calendar regulates the times that deals can be made, when they can be executed, and when they can be completed.

 This calendar has nine days per week. Each day is named after the various layers of Baator. Thus the days flow from Avernus to Nessus before the week is concluded. The names for the days are more poetic than anything else.

 The month is comprised of nine weeks. These weeks are broken down in much the same way as the hours are. For contracts that are a month or longer in length, the first three weeks are the weeks of Conception. The next three are the weeks of Contraction. The last three weeks are the weeks of Completion. The names of the months are as follows:









Voluptatem Capere De

Finem Capere


 In the same vein as month-long contracts, the Baatezu plan out their year-long contracts in the same manner using divisions of three months for each phase instead of three weeks. The total time that this calendar covers in 24-hour days is 820 days and 3 hours. Should it be of any wonder then that the Baatezu are so patient?

Xavierra Tempeste, Shaper 2.

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