Letters from Baator 18: Hellfire
Department of Humanities
Psychology/Sociology Section
For: Chief Engineer
Subject: Air assaults
True, the Baatezu are not the greatest fighting force in the air, but they can usually hold their own. The reason Baatezu have such a hard time controlling the skies during any battle in the Blood War is not from the lack or resources or inability to adapt to the changes of the battlefield, but because of the greater number of Tanar'ri with the capability of flight.
The flying hordes of the Tanar'ri have the advantage in the air that the Baatezu do not in that, in this environment, the chaotic tactics of the Tanar'ri work better as there is no limit to the way an opponent can attack. The expanse of the sky offers the advantage of attacks from any direction. The Tanar'ri excel in this environment because they can swarm the Baatezu.
The Baatezu have learned to deal with this tactic and even to limit its effectiveness. The result is the Hellfire Aerial Tactical Unit. All Hellfire units follow the same structure. They are composed of 300 spinagon, 600 abashai (200 of each type), and 100 cornugon and are led by a pit fiend. Each Baatezu type serves a specific purpose in the design of the Hellfire unit.
The 300 spinagon serve as sentinels and an advanced warning system. They alert the rest of the unit to an impending attack. They are arranged amongst the rest of the Hellfire units to keep eyes on all directions. This gives the Baatezu enough of a warning to shift the focus of their attack against the leading edge of the Tanar'ri assault.
The 600 abashai serve as the main body of the aerial units. There are two abashai close by to each spinagon. The abashai can easily swarm amongst the larger of the Tanar'ri and systematically remove their presence from the air. They are effective in their task.
The 100 cornugon serve as heavy air cavalry troops. They fly to the aid of the abashai to element any overwhelming threat.
The pit fiend keeps the troops in line and coordinates their offensive strikes.
The offensive maneuvers of the Hellfire units rely on strafing runs to cut down the masses of Tanar'ri troops. For such attacks, the cornugon are the main weapon. The abashai provide cover and the spinagon still serve as lookouts. The pit fiend uses its powers to rain havoc down upon the heads of the Tanar'ri below.
Xavierra Tempeste, Shaper 2