To be a Githyanki

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Tobe a Githyanki


Whatdoes it mean to be a githyanki? The only way gain even a fraction ofunderstanding of that would be to be a githyanki. The weight ofthousands of years hangs from each and every githyanki’s shoulders. With everymoment you’re aware of your existence as a free being; through your ancestors,you’ve felt the illithid’s shackles and like them you’ve vowed never to bechained, and there’s nothing you won’t do to keep them from doing so. And yetyou know that only through unity with your fellow sword-brethren can freedomtruly be won; that freedom only comes from conquest and the extermination ofall those who would enslave you. Gith showed you the way, and it’s up to youand all your brothers and sisters to ensure that her deeds are not forgotten.If you so much as smell an illithid, don’t rest until it’s been found andbutchered!


Itdoesn’t stop there. The githyanki race has been bastardized and debased; theexistence of the githzerai is proof of that. If you call yourself a githyanki,then githzerai are to be shown no mercy either. Remember the Blasted Plains!The gith races used to be under one sky, until the traitor Zerthimon dividedthem. If they truly believed in freedom; if they really appreciated thesacrifices made by billions over the millennia, then they’d have stayed withGith. It’s up to you to make sure that they never forget their crime, and topunish them for it.


Beinga githyanki runs deeper, though. To be a githyanki is to be superior. You spendevery spare moment improving yourselves, regardless of whether your professionis art or war. There are no finer artists, no finer warriors, and no finerbeings than the githyanki. Every blow you strike is a work of destructive art.The only creatures to come close to matching this superiority are the reddragons, ancient allies and brethren of the githyanki. Your superiority is tobe found in every aspect of your being. You eat flesh - carnivores eat flesh,and they are the masters of nature. You practice war, because through war comesconquest, victory and advancement.


Tobe a githyanki is to be a sword; a sharp edge that cleaves through the lies,deceit and ignorance of the lower races. In your hands the sword is not just aweapon; it is an instrument of the will that grants you the most basicauthority over life and death. Even your language is called sword-speak; it’snot the petty duplicities and arguments that concern you. Think nothing of thewars of words. For you, there are only the words of war!


Knowthis, and you will know only a fraction of a fraction of what it means to be agithyanki. You must learn to eat, sleep and breathe war. You must learnto hate. You must kill, and find joy in the killing. You will conquer,and conquer again; if the only way to preserve the freedom of your people is toenslave the Multiverse, then that is what you will do.


Toknow what it is to be a githyanki, you must be a githyanki.

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