The Githyanki at War

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Thegithyanki are primarily a militaristic race. Their culture is based on militarystrength and the chain of command; while all githyanki are technically free,the only real means of advancement within society is that of promotion throughthe ranks. The other professions are understood and respected, but only throughacts of outstanding valour can githyanki truly be counted as githyanki.

Themajority of gith soldiers are known simply as the githwarriors. They areswordsmen for the most part, drilled, devoted and efficient. All githyankisupreme leaders have served as githwarriors, working their way up through theranks, from regular githwarrior to sarth, or sergeant, to kith’rak,or captain. The knights, while being capable warriors themselves, do not formpart of the hierarchy.

Githwarriorsare usually well-armoured, preferring the breastplate above most other types ofarmour; partly because they are practical and easy to make, but mostly becausethey can be embellished and decorated easily. Armour spikes are not unheard of.The presence of enchantments or psionic augmentation usually denotes a higherrank.

Itis interesting to note that the way the githyanki drill their forces is notablydifferent from more mundane races like humans. While most practical racescombine a regime of exhausting exercise, harshness and iron discipline, thegithyanki prize individual freedom within the ranks. Githwarriors have moreliberties and are respected and treated almost kindly when not in battle. Theirdevotion to Gith and their queen drive them, and all githwarriors operatesunder the doctrine that they are all elite warriors. At risk of using a cliché,every soldier among the githyanki has a field-marshal’s baton in his knapsack.



Valik,a half-githyanki-half-githzerai mercenary, provides an insight into thegithyanki fighting techniques

So,you’re on the Astral and the githyanki are closing in? Be afraid. Be veryafraid. There are few sights that’ll chill the blood as much as a load of mydad’s mates on the warpath. In fact, I can only think of one; an astraldreadnought.

 The first thing you’ll noticeabout the githyanki is their speed. Sure, you might be fairly bright, able touse your brainpower to send you along at quite a lick, but remember that thegithyanki are a little smarter than average, and more to the point, they knowthe terrain. You’re fighting on their home turf.

 The second thing to bear in mindis that the Astral has no gravity. You’ve got to learn a whole new way offighting, because the battlefield’s in three dimensions. They’ll come at youfrom all angles. These are githyanki, and they’re a pretty nasty bunch offighters, all told.

 A third piece of advice? Sure,why not. Fight dirty. The githyanki are the nastiest bunch of sods I’ve everhad to fight, and they fight bloody dirty. I’ve got a bit of a knack for itmyself - thanks Dad! - and even then I’d sooner not fight the githyanki if Ican help it. They’ll use pretty much every advantage they’ve got, using theirmost powerful psionics and magic on you, before working down to their lesspowerful stuff. They like greatswords, and everyone knows how much damage theycan do. They’re not so blinkered that they won’t try to soften you up a bitwith a few volleys of missile fire first, though. They tend to use compositelongbows for that, although some are fond of crossbows - especially the triplecrossbow. There’s been a real vogue for that in recent years. When they finallyclose, though, that’s when you’ve got to worry. They’ve trained with thoseswords - and they train hard. If you’re not well-protected, be preparedto enter a world of hurt!

 Now, this is important too;don’t take prisoners, and don’t expect them to take any. Sure, they’resoldiers, but they’re also killers. If you give yourself up, they’ll take thatas a sign of weakness and will probably see to it that your death will beparticularly unpleasant. Remember, the githyanki are a suspicious bunch. Putyourself in their position. Here’s some berk wanting to be taken prisoner? Why?Just after saving his skin? Maybe, but if we can give ourselves up in battle,so can he. Must be another reason. Maybe he wants us to take him back so he canescape, find our secrets and bring the whole damned citadel down around ourears! Yeah… that’s it! Must be.

 Here’s some even more importantadvice, though. More than anything else, bear this in mind. Watch your cord.You heard me. That silvery thing that tethers you to your home plane. Now,astral dreadnoughts can rip them apart easily, but githyanki are no slouches inthat department either. Those silver swords that their knights carriedare designed for one purpose above all others - cutting the cords. Y’see, thegithyanki don’t like trespassers. They really don’t like trespassers. Infact, I heard tell that they’ve built machines to fly around snipping cordswhen they can’t spare the knights.

 Okay, that ought to be enough toscare you off the idea of ever tussling with them on the Astral. Think you’resafe now? Never going to the nasty old Astral Plane again? Don’t blame you.Think you’re safe? Think again.

 Now, the githyanki havealliances. Old Gith was very keen on that after the Two Skies. In particular,she sought out this old hag-dragon by the name of Tiamat. You might have heardof her. Now, they cut a lot of deals, and the practical upshot of that ispretty nasty. Whenever the githyanki go to the Material Plane, they’reguaranteed a little help from the red dragons. You heard me. The meanestchromatics of the lot. Those githyanki sound nasty enough on the Astral? Nowstick ‘em on the back of a great big red dragon, so there’s twice the spells,some bloody dangerous teeth and talons, and if that weren’t enough, the thing’skitted out with a breath weapon like a sodding blast furnace! These dragons aresmart, too; combine them with the githyanki and you’ve got something that’sbetter armed, with better tactics and a hell of a lot stronger than you. Ofcourse, if you hit it with an arrow designed to slay dragons while it’s inflight, you pretty much end up solving both problems at once.

 I won’t pretend to know the fullextent of the gith’s deals with Tiamat, but don’t be surprised if some abishaiturn up as well. Tiamat’s favourite devils, they are. Bloody horriblecreatures.

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