Who cares...

Fell's picture

The Alliance began when a Bleaker and a Dustman, both deep in depression, began talking about philosophy. They grew more despondent as the discussions continued, and soon gave up caring about anything and everything. They even just "stopped" attending important Faction gatherings. The ideals of the sect soon spread from that point on as other members from different factions began to accept the ways of the Apathetic.

Is is said that most Alliance discussions on philosophy - or any other matter really - usually end with the phrase "Who Cares?"________________________________________________________________

What's the point? You get up in the morning before First Peak, prepare yourself something to eat for First Meal, go outside to inhale the not-so-pleasant air (which is probably killing you slowly anyway), go to do your job for some ignorant and arrogant berk whose more interested in his piles of gold than he is the welfare of his slaves... err... I mean employees. No... I meant slaves. Really, just what is the point? I've done the same thing for the past 20 cycles, rising from bed, eating breakfast, going to work, chatting mindlessly about this Golden Lord and that Faction, then I race home to spend a few "quality" hours (yeah right) alone in my shack before I have to go to sleep in order to rise early enough to get to the Foundry in time for the morning roll call. I understand now why they call this place "The Cage"... I have no wife, and I have no children. Some of my so-called work friends at the Foundry say that's why I've grown so disenchanted with my life... That's just poor planar nonsense. Wives cost money (which I don't have) and children drain time (which I have precious little of to begin with). Why would I want to voluntarily create more reasons for me to grow despondent with the approach of each new day? Really? I ask you... What is it all about? I don't know, and I don't care. All I do know is I'm sick of searching for answers. That's why I'm putting an end to it. I'm getting out. No no... not my life, but the WAY of it. I'm quitting my job with the Believers. To the Nine Hells with them and their beliefs. I'm leaving the Cage. I'm out. I'm not here. And I don't care. -- Maris Ironholm-Forger, several days before joining up with the Apathetic Alliance.

Gaidheal's picture
Joined: 2005-04-16
Nice flavour sect

I liked this, very realistic, after all with so many competing philosophies surely apathy would set in for many, in the end? I agree that it may not be PC ideal but talented players could manage it and there are enough other options for those can't or wouldn't want to anyway. Good excuse to have a gathering of beings who you would otherwise find it difficult to explain being in the same place without violence, too.

Ryltar's picture
Joined: 2005-02-11
Who cares...

Nice Laughing out loud. Shades of the "Player's Primer to the Outlands" CD there ...

Though, I have to admit, I'm having a hard time imagining an AA PC who would want to work together with others as a group. That would make this sect a NPC-only gathering.

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