Mundane Grafts
Grafts are artificially grown or violently separated body parts attached to other creatures to enhance them, or make up for existing physical deficiencies. They are often magically treated, and several types of magical grafts (such as aboleth, fiendish, and yuan-ti grafts) are described elsewhere*. However, some grafts are produced and attached only through mundane skills and specially treated materials, with very little, if any, use of magic. Mundane grafts come in two forms: prosthetics and augmentations. Prosthetics are more common, and in most cases less physiologically problematic for the recipient. They merely replace what was lost, and thus present less of a drain on the subject. Augmentations, however, are additions rather hand replacements, and thus put more of a drain on a body's resources. Recipients of augmentations frequently suffer physical or mental side effects, which can increase in severity if more augmentations are added. On the Planes, both types of mundane grafts are unusual, but not extremely rare - little is, given the scope of the setting.* for more grafts, see the Fiend Folio
Attaching Mundane Grafts: The character who attempts to attach a mundane graft on a subject must possess the Graft Flesh feat (any variety). He must have the proper surgical tools available. He can take 10 on the Heal check required to perform the procedure, but cannot take 20. The time required to perform the attaching surgery is 4 hours per graft component; for example, attaching a pair of leg grafts takes 4 hours per leg. The DM should make the Heal check in secret. If the check succeeds, the graft works as intended. If the check fails by 1-9, the graft is still attached but fails to perform correctly, resulting in an undesirable side effect (see descriptions below). If the check fails by 10 or more, the subject's body rejects the graft entirely, perhaps with catastrophic results, as detailed below. Side effects and graft rejection are not always immediately apparent. They manifest when the character uses the graft in a situation when failure carries with it some sort of penalty (such as in combat) unless the description of the side effect indicates otherwise. Side effects and graft rejection can be corrected with additional surgery, with the same DCs and time required, but at 1/2 the cost (spent for raw materials).
Graft Rejection: When the Heal check made to attach a mundane graft fails by 10 or more, the subject's body balks at accommodating the new flesh. In addition to suffering the listed side effect, the recipient must attempt a Fortitude save each time he attempts to use the graft, against a DC equal to the Heal DC to attach the graft. A failure causes 1d4 points of Constitution damage which cannot be restored in any way, magical or mundane, until the graft is surgically removed.
GRAFT DESCRIPTIONSPresented below are common models (the ones that look like what they are - pieces of a hacked-up corpse), purchased "off the rack". More advanced models (with additional minor functions), or more natural-looking usually cost more.
Name: A general description of the graft.Effect: What the graft does for the recipient. Some grafts simply replace the body part, offering identical functionality with no special features.Attach DC: The DC of the Heal check to attach the graft; also, the DC of the Fortitude save required if the recipients body rejects the equipment.Common Side Effects: The effects of improperly attached grafts.Price: The price of the graft (in gp), followed by the price of the surgery required to attach it.
- Prosthetic LimbsA prosthetic limb replaces a lost arm or leg (or section thereof). Baseline versions provide no special benefit, but improved versions grant bonuses to ability checks and skill checks related to a specific ability score. The listed bonus only applies to activities that primarily make use of the grafted limb. For example, a grafted hand might apply to Sleight of Hand checks, but not to Jump checks.
Baseline Hand: Effect: - ; Attach DC: 15; Common Side Effect: Trembling (-2 on all Dex-based checks when using the hand); Cost: 1,000 gp (3,000 gp).
Baseline Arm: Effect: - ; Attach DC: 13; Common Side Effect: Trembling (-2 on all Dex-based checks when using the hand); Cost: 2,000 gp (6,000 gp).
Baseline Foot: Effect: - ; Attach DC: 10; Common Side Effect: Limp (-5 ft. base speed); Cost: 800 gp (2,400 gp).
Baseline Knee: Effect: - ; Attach DC: 10; Common Side Effect: Limp (-5 ft. base speed); Cost: 1,200 gp (3,600 gp).
Baseline Leg: Effect: - ; Attach DC: 13; Common Side Effect: Limp (x 2/3 ft. base speed); Cost: 1,500 gp (4,500 gp).
Baseline Legs Package: Effect: +5 ft. base speed; Attach DC: 18; Common Side Effect: Joint damage (2d4 damage per use); Cost: 4,000 gp (12,000 gp).
Improved Hand (Str) : Effect: +1 on all Str-based checks when using the hand; Attach DC: 20; Common Side Effect: Trembling (-2 on all Dex-based rolls when using the hand); Cost: 2,000 gp (6,000 gp).
Improved Hand (Dex) : Effect: +1 on all Dex-based checks when using the hand; Attach DC: 20; Common Side Effect: Weakness (-2 on all Str-based rolls when using the hand); Cost: 2,000 gp (6,000 gp).
Improved Arm: Effect: +1 on all Str-based checks when using the hand; Attach DC: 18; Common Side Effect: Trembling (-2 on all Dex-based rolls when using the hand); Cost: 4,000 gp (12,000 gp).
Improved Knee: Effect: +1 on all Str-based checks when using the leg; Attach DC: 15; Common Side Effect: Limp (x 2/3 base speed); Cost: 1,500 gp (4,500 gp).
Improved Leg: Effect: +1 on all Str-based checks when using the leg; Attach DC: 18; Common Side Effect: Limp (x 1/2 base speed); Cost: 3,000 gp (9,000 gp).
Improved Legs Package: Effect: +10 ft. base speed; Attach DC: 26; Common Side Effect: Joint damage (2d6 damage per use); Cost: 9,000 gp (27,000 gp).
Advanced Hand, Deva: Effect: +4 Heal checks using the hand; Attach DC: 26; Common Side Effect: Hatred (-5 Diplomacy against all good outsiders; initial reaction two steps lower); Cost: 2,500 gp (12,000 gp)
- Replacement EyesA character can have multiple replacement eyes, up to the number his race naturally has (two for most creatures).
Baseline Eye: Effect: - ; Attach DC: 15; Common Side Effect: Alignment error (-1 Search and Spot checks); Cost: 250 gp (1,900 gp).
Flare Suppressor: Effect: Immune to dazzlement or blindness resulting from bright light; Attach DC: 17; Common Side-Effect: Sync error (-1 on all attack rolls against visible targets); Cost: 400 gp (3,000 gp).
Optical Enhancer: Effect: +3 Search checks; Attach DC: 17; Common Side-Effect: Video engraving (-4 on Spot checks); Cost: 450 gp (3,400 gp).
Targeting Eye: Effect: +1 ranged attack rolls; Attach DC: 17; Common Side-Effect: Targeting error (-2 ranged attack rolls); Cost: 500 gp (3,750 gp).
Telescopic Eye: Effect: Spot penalty -1 per 30 ft. of distance (instead of 10 ft.); Attach DC: 15; Common Side Effect: Astigmatism (-2 Search and Spot checks); Cost: 500 gp (3,750 gp).
Advanced Eye, Baatezu: Effect: darkvision 60 ft. (works even in magical darkness); Attach DC 23; Common Side Effect: Hatred (-5 Diplomacy against all chaotic or good creatures; initial reaction 1 point lower); Cost: 4,000 gp (15,000 gp)
- Skeletal ReinforcementUsing secret medical lore developed through experimentation on sufferers of degenerative bone disorders, the subject is augmented with high-impact material, increasing his ability to shrug off physical damage.Effect: Subject gains damage reduction 3/- . This does not stack with existing damage reduction of the x/- type, such as that gained from barbarian levels.Attach DC: 30Common Side Effect: Muscle Fatigue. Because the reinforcements must be integrated with the subject's tendons and ligaments, an oversight can result in chronic muscle fatigue as muscles overextend and pull the reinforced bones. The subject is permanently fatigued. This state cannot be remedied until the graft is removed.Cost: 10,000 gp (30,000 gp)Special: The time required for applying this graft is 3d6 hours (instead of the standard 4 hours).
Fresh Chant
An elderly prime by the name of Tabitha (Pr / female human / Exp 4/Nec 4 / N), has been trying to cut a deal with Seamusxanthuszenus, the dust mephit running the "Parts & Pieces" hackshop. She is setting up a grafting service in her Lower Ward kip, and wants her friend Seamus as a silent partner and provider of "raw materials". Last I heard, the mephit was interested...

This is cool. Reminds me of the weird and wacky cyber-things you could stick into the orcs and trolls of Shadowrun. How about a prosthetic peg leg? Grafted tail? Eye-darts!!!
I have always been a fan of grafts, symboiants and other Frankenstein like body modification in games. When I used to GM Shadowrun years ago I loved the cyberware. (JUst a note, Dragonstar has wonderful rules for spellware-magical cyberware basically)
I really quite like this entry as it opens up a lot f room to get weirder and more disturbing as you adventure throught the planes.
For those who are thinking of adding to this collection of grafts, please review the appendix on Fiendish and Illithid grafts that appears in the Fiend Folio.
DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams
Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!
I forgot to mention that the better part of the article was adapted from the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. I dropped the tech parts, threw in some planar stuff, but the bare rules are mostly copy/paste.
The thing that bothers me is that for that amount of jink you can usually get your limb magically regenerated... but still, the enhancements could be worth it, I guess.