Malavoy's Band

Fell's picture

Well then, I guess I'd better get started. Ahem. Excuse me. Okay... now? Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Annali Webspinner, Factotum with the Sensates. You see, it's my duty to co-ordinate local entertainment events in the Festhall, and tonight I've been given the task of composing a few notes on one of the Society's most "unusual" practices. Well it's not really a "practice" as such... and it's not really one of ours. It is more a "form" of entertainment taken to the extreme, that became something else. I mean, I haven't had bloods walk into the Festhall and ask to participate in this "entertainment"... they really just want to hear about the experiences that come with being a member of this "group". They could just visit a Sensorium. I know several of them have been given over to recording some aspects of this band's "entertainment". Anyway, here 'tis... Malavoy's Band As far as I know, the entirely-female populated mercenary company known as Malavoy's Band are a leaderless organisation of savage fighters who currently operate under the "silent" auspices of Factotum Reginald De Wald, himself a senior administrator for Experience Gathering under my direction. They're a group that De Wald "secretly" directs, under the discreet authority of Factol Erin Darkflame Montgomery, who sends her directives through me (although no one ever mentions this little fact). At this time, it's not known how the company came to be associated with the Sensates or why (or maybe it is known and its just that those "in-the-know" so to speak... aren't talking, whether by personal choice or "encouraged" by Erin herself), although some speculate (in the few Festhall chambers that don't have "ears" (and I'm speaking literally here... but that's another tale for another time) that Malavoy, the former head of the mercenary company, was also a member along with Montgomery, of the Pax Imperica for a time. What happened to Malavoy and how she came to found the mercenary company that now bears her name isn't known either. What is known about Malavoy is that towards the end of her time with the Pax Imperica, her "appreciation" for pleasures and experiences took an altogether different turn from that of the rest of the Imperica's members. I mean, for all we know... it's what led to her eventual death several years later. Although we do know that she instituted several of the forms of combat that the company now follows. Back to the discussion then... The company's links to our Society of Sensation has had a bizarre effect on each of the individual mercenaries (at least as far as I can see. I try to avoid them when they're here in the Festhall), not to mention the peculiar practices Malavoy was involved in. Of course, the death of Malavoy hasn't improved matters. So now, no longer content with the simple pursuit of ultimate pleasures (in whatever form they desire, although mostly battle), the warriors of this company find what little solace they can (for the loss of their leader) by carrying on the ways of Malavoy in the horror of battle, joining with other disenchanted assassins and career killers (who themselves may be devoted to dark or sinister gods of Death for all we know) in vile crusades of blood and death. As a result of such base actions, these warriors have codified the ways instituted by Malavoy. From this, most of the warriors in the company have became what are called Sisters of Fury (a graduate of sorts I'm told... from the bloody ways of battle the band engage in), twisted feminine creatures addicted to the emotional pleasures they derive from invoking fury and tempest among great formations in battle. Some of the Senior Sisters have stated that at the peak of battle they are only truly satisfied by the cacophonous roar of explosions and the final blood-curdling screams of the dying, preferably by their hand. Of those who count among their friends one of these Sisters of Fury (I'm glad I am not one of them), most claim that only the most extreme sensations can provoke any kind of reaction from their jaded souls. Their bizarre rites and interests are not wholly restricted to the field of battle either. On countless occasions I've seen many Sisters of Fury (when I've accidentally run into them while carrying out some errand for our Factol) decorate their armour in exotic and bizarre patterns, using dazzling and heavily clashing colours (I hope all that red isn't what I think it is). They've even adorned their most precious battle equipment with fine quality silks of shimmering red and gold as well as an assortment of silver and golden chains. Most who know of them - or have seen them in battle - consider the Sisters of Fury to be insane. However, despite their insanity, or perhaps in spite of it, the Sisters retain their vicious ways, exemplifying the nature of the savage warrior and delighting in the destruction and mayhem they cause in battle. The highest ranking Senior Sister of Fury, Ariana Tora, has taken over in an "unofficial" capacity as head of the mercenary band. She willingly leaves the position of Most High Senior Sister vacant because of the covenant these Sisters have forged. They revere the person and deeds of Malavoy (she's almost a deity in the minds of some of the Sisters) claiming all victories in her name. Tora has, over the past several months, begun severing some of the ties between the company and the Sensates. Some of the current Senior Sisters disagree with the decisions Ariana has made, but they would never publicly declaim against her because they know that Ariana was Malavoy's favoured disciple, and perhaps, for a time... something more. Ariana has therefore made the band available for hire outside the traditional Sensate ranks, suggesting that they are willing to serve any master in return for the possibility of claiming fresh slaves taken in battle, upon which they can practice their blood devotion to Malavoy.Some of the current rising stars in the company revel in the delight of what becoming a Senior Sister will mean for themselves... being leaders of small squads of initiate Sisters who see their mission as one of striving to recreate the days decades ago when Malavoy led her young groups of warriors across countless planes and worlds exulting in the first orgies of pain and death that would later come to define the way the Sisters of Fury battle. These yet-to-be Senior Sisters of Fury are even more terrifying than the Sister maniacs who will pledge themselves to them. You see, these potential Seniors are a new breed. From beyond pleasure-fuelled insanity they survey the multiverse with savage and malicious glee. Once they've graduated they'll likely never rest, and they'll never truly be content. They will always strive to surpass their latest indulgences with new, and even more decadent experiences. ...I'm going to leave it here I think... because for all we know... this is all just some crazy experiment being conducted by Erin herself. She always said that she wanted the Sensates to be dedicated to more "cerebral" pursuits... And if the psychological experience of a murderous rampage isn't a "cerebral" pursuit... then I ask you, what is?

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