Letters from Baator 11: The Bureaucratic Departments
Department of Humanities
Psychology/Sociology Section
Subject: Baatezu council structure As with all political structures, there's some level of bureaucratic problems. This holds equally true for the Baatezu as it does for any mortal realm. However, the Baatezu like it this way. The more bureaus there are, the happier they seem to be. The most famous of the departments in the great political circus of the Baatezu are the Dark Eight's war council and the Department of Human Affairs. These two departments are just two of the many coordinating command units that the Baatezu employ to direct their schemes. Each department in its own right employs hundreds of Baatezu in one fashion or another. Most of the departments are headquartered in the Iron City of Dis. The only exceptions to this rule are the War Council of the Dark Eight (rumor says they hold council in Nessus) and the Department of Education (located in Grenpoli). The reason for this stems from the fact that the Iron City is the largest concentration of Baatezu in all of the Nine.
Some of the most important departments in the Baatezu infrastructure are:
Department of Weights and Measures - sets currency and weight values
Department of Commerce - issues licenses and permits to merchants allowing them to conduct business safely in Baator
Department of Justice - prosecutes all lawbreakers (to include contracts)
Department of Legislature - defines and keeps the laws of Baator
Department of Logistics - oversees the use of resources and supplies the armies These are but a few of the hundreds of bureaus that define Baatezu society. There are even departments devoted to entertainment and music. Some say there are departments that focus on the recruitment and advancement of Baatezu and mortals who are "accepted" as members of the Baatezu race. There is no end or limit to the various departments of the Baatezu government. The only thing that limits each department is the competition between similar offices.
The challenge the Baatezu enjoy is trying to control two offices at once, or just attempting to rise through the ranks with so much opposition around them. It is this opposition and the hundreds of departments that allow the Baatezu to weed out the weak of their race. In the end, only the most deft and cunning Baatezu will make it to the rank of pit fiend.
Xavierra Tempeste, Shaper 2.