Letters from Baator 10: Voices of Deceit 1.0.2

Emperor Xan's picture

Department of Humanities

Psychology/Sociology Section


For: Chief Engineer

Subject: Voices of manipulation, part 3.

The following is a partial list of classes from the Political School in Grenopoli; the City of Diplomacy located on the layer of Maladomini.



Trimester I Curriculum - required classes


Politics 101 - The basics of how the game is played.

Politics 102 - The cardinal rules of the game.

Politics 201 - Navigating the threads of the web.

Politics 202 - Weaving the threads of the web.

Politics 301 - Spinning the web.

Politics 302 - Entangling prey in the web.


Psychology 101 - The basic elements of behavior.

Psychology 102 - The basics of motivations.

Psychology 201 - Predicting and controlling the behavior of others.

Psychology 202 - Guiding the motivations of others.

Psychology 301 - Directing the behavior of others.

Psychology 302 - Coercion, the mastery of the motivations of others.


Self-Control 101 - Learning the elements of composure.

Self-Control 102 - Learning the elements of impulse.

Self-Control 201 - Keeping one's composure.

Self-Control 202 - Controlling impulses.

Self-Control 301 - Hiding the truth the body expresses.

Self-Control 302 - Mastering the denial of one's impulses.

Xavierra Tempeste, Shaper 2.

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