Doomguard Scalable Templates

Emperor Xan's picture

The natural decay of matter and ideals hold a special place for the Doomguard. This faction holds that the only purpose of the multiverse is to give over to the inevitable forces of entropy. As such, these factioneers make it a point to have at least one of their number present during disasters of significant scale.

Many of the Doomguard are participants in an act of entropy. In addition to spreading around weapons of their own making, the faction serves as an agent of entropy ensuring that weapons reach as many hands as necessary. Though many would claim that creating weapons goes against entropy, the Doomguard is quick to point out that weapons are instruments of destruction.

Given the widespread number of criminals and outlaws that join the faction, a misunderstanding has developed around the belief that the Doomguard is a faction for the violent. The Doomguard does allow these members to join its ranks, but these individuals usually won’t advance far through the ranks. Reverence of entropy and chaos also seem to get a berk nowhere, but these individuals manage to enter the top ranks with great frequency. This seems to be attributed to a love of entropy and its power, not the love of destruction. Finally, there are those who take the subtle approach; allowing for a methodical wearing away of strengths. The slow grind of entropy has often favored these individuals, not through supernatural means, but by their subtle manipulations.

The different views of members of the faction makes it a threat. No one knows with certainty whether the sinker they’re dealing with wants to outright destroy them, or slowly grind them under. This in itself spreads more entropy.

Sinker templates use all the base creature's statistics and special abilities unless noted otherwise.


Belief Point Cost: 1

Special Attacks: None.

Special Qualities: Doomguard namers possess the extraordinary ability of Sift.

Sift (Ex): A Sinker can use a special ability 3 times a day + Wisdom modifier to sift through the psychic impressions of an inanimate object that’s been destroyed and ascertain only the method or cause of destruction. To activate this ability, the Sinker must make a Wisdom check against a DC of 15. Failure still counts against the number of times a day this ability can be used. Namers can read the psychic impression of objects destroyed up to 10 years in the past (sight only).

Saves: Same as the base creature

Abilities: Same as the base creature.

Skills: Same as the base creature.

Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency (any one bladed weapon)

Drawbacks: Sinkers won’t give magical healing to anyone, nor will they accept it for themselves. As such, they have an SR of 5 against healing spells.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the base creature.

Organization: Same as the base creature.

Challenge Rating: Up to 3 HD, same as the base creature.

3 HD to 7 HD, same as the base creature +1.

8+ HD, same as the base creature +2.

Treasure: Same as the base creature.

Alignment: Same as the base creature.

Advancement: Same as the base creature.


Belief Point Cost: 10

Special Attacks: None

Special Qualities: Sinker factotums gain the supernatural ability Entropic Blow.

Entropic Blow (Su): Once per day, the Doomguard can draw upon the power of entropy to defeat a foe in combat. The player must state before the attack roll is made that the character will be using this ability. The Doomguard makes an attack roll adding his or her Wisdom modifier. If the roll is +5 or higher than the opponent's AC, the Doomguard causes extra damage equal to the character's level. This damage is considered to be Elemental (Entropic) and thus cannot affect creatures immune to such types of damage. The ability is used up for the day regardless of whether or not the attack succeeded. Entropic blow is a supernatural ability.

Abilities: Same as base creature.

Skills: Same as base creature.

Feats: Same as base creature.

Drawbacks: Sinkers won’t give magical healing to anyone, nor will they accept it for themselves. As such, they have an SR of 15 against healing spells.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the base creature.

Organization: Same as the base creature.

Challenge Rating: Up to 3 HD, same as the base creature +1.

3 HD to 7 HD, same as the base creature +2.

8+ HD, same as the base creature +3.

Treasure: Same as the base creature.

Alignment: Same as the base creature.

Advancement: Same as the base creature.


Belief Point Cost: 20

Special Attacks: None

Special Qualities: Doomguard factors gain the spell-like ability Sift.

Sift (Sp): A Sinker can use a special ability 3 times a day + Wisdom modifier to sift through the psychic impressions of an inanimate object that’s been destroyed and ascertain only the method or cause of destruction. To activate this ability, the Sinker must make a Wisdom check against a DC of 15. Failure still counts against the number of times a day this ability can be used. Factors can read the destruction of objects up to 500 years in the past (sight, sound, & smell).

Abilities: Same as the base creature.

Skills: Same as the base creature.

Feats: Same as the base creature.

Drawbacks: Sinkers won’t give magical healing to anyone, nor will they accept it for themselves. As such, they have an SR of 20 against healing spells.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the base creature.

Organization: Same as the base creature.

Challenge Rating: Up to 3 HD, same as the base creature +3.

3 HD to 7 HD, same as the base creature +4.

8+ HD, same as the base creature +5.

Treasure: Same as the base creature.

Alignment: Same as the base creature.

Advancement: Same as the base creature.


Belief Point Cost: 30

Special Attacks: None

Special Qualities: Doomguard factols gain the supernatural ability Sift.

Sift (Su): A Sinker can use a special ability 3 times a day + Wisdom modifier to sift through the psychic impressions of an inanimate object that’s been destroyed and ascertain only the method or cause of destruction. To activate this ability, the Sinker must make a Wisdom check against a DC of 15. Failure still counts against the number of times a day this ability can be used. The factol can read the psychic impression of an object’s destruction up to 1,000 years in the past (relive the experience). Sift is a supernatural ability.

Abilities: +6 to Reflex.

Skills: Same as the base creature.

Feats: Same as the base creature.

Drawbacks: Sinkers won’t give magical healing to anyone, nor will they accept it for themselves. As such, they have an SR of 25 against healing spells.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the base creature.

Organization: Same as the base creature.

Challenge Rating: Up to 3 HD, same as the base creature +4.

3 HD to 7 HD, same as the base creature +5.

8+ HD, same as the base creature +6.

Treasure: Same as the base creature.

Alignment: Same as the base creature.

Advancement: Same as the base creature.

The Razers

Of all the philosophical spinters within the faction, this group is the most fun-loving of the bunch. They’re really just looking for a good time. Razers are the type that will make a party if they can’t find one and freely invite non-faction members to join in their revelry. The turnabout is most chaotic.

As their parties intensify, the raucous bunch begins to help entropy along its course. Nobody who’s ever been to a Razer party could claim that they didn’t enjoy themselves thoroughly; even lawful beings have been known to seek out a party thrown by the Razers. You know when a Razer party is over because it literally brings down the house.

The Discordants

This splinter of the Sinkers is known for their enjoyment of creating entropic events. While they do revel in destruction, they’re not into the party scene the way Razers are. However, it never fails that wherever there’s a Razer party, a Discordant or two are present. They may not like the party atmosphere, but they enjoy watching the destruction, even if they do join in to help the entropy along.

Discordants are most likely found at the scenes of natural disasters. The larger the disaster, the more likely the Discordants will not only be there, but that they themselves are the root of the disaster. Discordants help to speed entropy along its course rather than let it plod along.

The Stasisfiers

The Statisfiers follow the path of least resistance. These Sinkers prefer to watch nature take its course. They believe that any attempts to actively speed up entropic decay only helps to hinder its progress. Unnatural decay is met with strong resistance by those who actively oppose entropic activities.

To prevent entropy from being unbalanced, the Stasisfiers will go out of their way to stop an entropic process that progresses too fast. The natural course, they say, is the best course as nobody interferes with the inevitable product of entropy. When it happens over time, entropy goes unnoticed. Thus, they fear the rapid decay promoted by the Discordants as it actually slows down the rate of decay over the long run.

Why: As part of the templates I'm using to run a pre-FW campaign and to provide interesting characters post-FW with "relic" feats and PrCs.Pro: It allows for the play of the Doomguard pre- and post- Faction War.

Con: Relies on the belief system (detailed elsewhere) and scalable template rules, which add complexity to the game.

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